Chapter Seventeen

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Y/n Pov

With the help of Microsoft, we were following the endless trail he went down. From server to server, it's like Gray was searching for something. How was it possible that the second we entered "The Past, or "The Normal World," he was able to take off like that?

Me and XD were asking some people at a server called, "Pleasant Smp," if they'd seen him, and one actually had. To both of our dismay, it was "SomeMinecrafter66." He had gone with DreamXD when they were coming back, as he'd been selected as well.

"It's good to see you again," 66 said, "And yea I saw the fellow go to the FULL LIQUOR BAR (Plz get the reference) over there," He pointed.

"Thx!" I replied, and we hurried over to the tavern. Gray was easy to spot, and didn't even bother running when we entered. His look was sullen, and somber, almost as if somebody had died.

"I'm a danger to you all, more than Techno ever was," He told us, "Leave, save yourselves."

"Are- are you sure?" I put a comforting hand on his shoulder, "We're all worried about you. You're always going to be my friend, no matter what you've done in the past."

"And if I continue?"

XD said nothing, and neither did I. The whole forgiving thing only worked if the other person became, well, good.

"Let's just go darling," My husband grabbed my hand firmly, "It's clear that he's never going to change his ways."

DreamXD started to drag me, but I brushed his hand off and wrapped Gray into a warm embrace. Stunned, my friend became stiff, but eventually easened up. There weren't any proper words for the moment, except to enjoy. Finally, I spoke up, "Do me a favor and keep yourself safe. Try not to go down the road again, it's just going to lead you back to the Database."

"What if I want to go back there?" He asked softly, and glanced up at the ceiling.

"Don't," I assured him, "I'll miss you very much if you do so. Remember you always have a home on Memory Smp, and we'll all be waiting for you there. Take some time for yourself, and whatever you do, don't go back to the Server Raiders.

There was no response, so I shrugged and me and XD left. A little anticlimactic, if I had to say for myself. Strange, almost, the way he was acting. But gray was always known to be a little unpredictable.


421 Words, but FEAR NOT. I am likely going to double-post today, or double-post tomorrow. Its just easier for me to break up chapters like this, for suspense purposes.

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