Chapter Twelve

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"Technoblade you won't believe it!" I flung my arms around him, "Two memories in one day! Ghostbur remembered something, and Jschlatt came-"

He interrupted me, "I remembered something too," His voice dropped a little into sadness, "We hardly knew each other in the past. I remember that."

"oh," My voice dropped, "How did we meet, then?"

"Just over some random smp, I can't remember the name, details are hard. But I do know this, it was a clear summer morning, and me and Dream," He paused, "Might have blown up your home. I think... Ghostbur lived there too? I know you were there Y/n, you were screaming bloody murder that day."

"Wow thats uh," I struggled for the proper wording, "New information. But it's all in the past, right?! We're good friends now, no matter what happened back then! People can change, and it seems you've changed for the better!"

"Something else though U/n," Uh oh. When he pulled out my username, you knew that things were serious, "I fear that I'm dangerous. What if I hurt you again? And not just you! I heard at least ten people, I hurt people! People might have died, what if somebody's parents died, and people became orphans?!?" He shook his head, "I would seriously never forgive myself." (Lol wait until he finds out)

"That's not going to happen!" I reassured him, "And THREE in one day? No matter how bad that is, it might be leading us closer to going back!"

In a confused tone, the hybrid replied, "Going back...? We can't go back Y/n! Besides, life is good here, and DreamXD was one of the few. If things were so awful there we died-"

"How about our old friends, and family? They must be missing us terribly! Just think about it, if we found a way to get back life could go back to normal! We would remember everything! No more searching for fragments and feelings!"

"You're overthinking all of this," He snapped, "Oh and uh, about your friend Gray, I'd watch out for him. Yesterday he started raging on a random player. Poor guy was scared to bits! His name was, I think, Ranboo. A lot of drama is going on, and you might get wrapped up in it all."

"Ranboo? What a coincidence," I thought to myself. "Does Gray hate everyone from the Dsmp or something?!? At least in the past life?!?"

"It's okay Techno," I reassured him, "I can handle myself. But beware..." I said, "Gray has been having some dark thoughts lately. Don't let your past control you either," I grabbed his hands, "We might not have known each other as more than enemies in our past life, but here you're my best friend. Who knows too? Maybe we made up back then." (They did, at least mostly)

"Thanks Y/n, it actually means a lot."

"Well, I'll deal with Graystillslays tomorrow. Sweet dreams!" I giggled, remembering DreamXD. I fluffed my pillow and laid down on the comfortable bed, prepared for another underwhelming sleep. This time though, something quite unexpected happened... The data banks broke. Just for a second, but I- I remembered something! Voices...?


527 Words, posting this a little early! Dreading tomorrow because I might not have time to write. UGH! Anyways lol, I wonder what Y/n remembers...

"Intertwined" ~A DreamXD x Reader~Where stories live. Discover now