Chapter Eleven

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Living with Technoblade has been a true breath of fresh air. He had feelings for me, and I knew that eventually I would have to break them. Sure, Techno was a great person and all, but for me my heart laid with XD, and I just wasn't ready to move on.

It had only been a month for crying out loud! Seriously, more time would have to be placed in-between. However, today was an interesting day, for, I met more people from my past. The Blood God was going on a peaceful afternoon stroll and wouldn't be back for a few hours, since he wanted to be out at dusk for some exciting mob-slaying as well.

With my spare time, I invited Ghostbur over to our house. He had taken in Cloud and Chex after selling my farm for the extra cash. After receiving my message by carrier-parrot, Ghosty was very glad to visit me.

He decided to leave Friend at home, but per usual, still needed a friend to take along. It just so happened that a fellow named "Jschlatt," somebody who actually knew a bit about his past would be escorting him to our house.

"Hello! Its lovely to see you two," I opened the door just a crack, "Please, come in and make yourselves comfortable!"

After about twenty minutes of small-talk, the "Past to Database" topic came up. And my gosh, did Schlatt have a lot to say about that. Conspiracy theories, data to back it up, and even, some memories.

"You see Y/n," He started, "I recollected a memory when I met Ghostbur. Came back almost immediately, in fact! I died from... well I can't remember that. Anyways, I lived on one of the smp's, and died three times. After that I went to Limbo, and couldn't go to the main area to join another server. Spent a long time waiting there, doing nothing. Torture, I remember. Finally, even that Limbo-place of darkness died, probably got deleted. Y'know, I saw Gray yesterday and I feel that he had something to do with it. After I left Limbo, I came here. Turns out Ghostbur was here too, along with Ranboo and Mexican Dream. Friend came too. Apparently was slain by Ghostburs counterpart, that's all I know."

"That's fascinating!" I exclaimed, "But seriously? Three Dreams? DreamXD, Dream, and now Mexican Dream. I'm starting to see a pattern here!"

"Maybe," Schlatt muttered, "Ghosty, you've been quiet. You alright?"

"No... I think I remember something!" He jumped up from his seat, "When you mentioned my counterpart, it all came back! I remember this now, though I had bad memories there too... I guess. His name was Wilbur Soot! I died from... Can't remember. I think I died from Dream, actually. No wait!" His voice rambled on and on.

"Calm yourself, and start over again," I tried to ease my friend.

"Okay, so my counterpart named Wilbur Soot died. He must have gone to that Limbo place. Dream killed me and brought me there, to a train station, and Friend came, was slain by Wilbur like Jschlatt said. Then it crashed, and I died with him."

"Oh my goodness!" I clapped my hands together, "I've heard about two memories in one day! That must be a record of some sort! Do you think there are any more?"

"I've heard that Ranboo has one," Schlatt mentioned, "If I recall it correctly, he just remembered that he was In Limbo from some guy named Sam and died there. He also had bad memory like Ghostbur, and Ghosty was always trying to remember what happened with Wilbur. All fits together. Oh and uh, Mexican Dream doesn't remember nothin, muttered something about happy flower, who knows? That fellows' kinda odd."

"I'll have to meet them all sometime," I insisted, "Thank you both for coming, this conversation has been truly amazing. All I know is that we all knew each other in the past world, and me and XD might have been married. Just feelings though, no memories."

"Someday you'll get them!" Ghostburs voice echoed, "And thank you for having us!"

I escorted the two out the door in a daze, writing everything down in a notebook hastily, almost word-for-word. Perhaps someday I will understand more, and more about DreamXD.


714 Words, not bad at all! Hopefully you've all enjoyed this chapter! Thank you SO much to the four people who have read all the way to this point, especially the ones who came from the prior book. <3

Remember to vote, follow, and comment please! Sorry I didn't post this weekend!

&quot;Intertwined&quot; ~A DreamXD x Reader~Where stories live. Discover now