Chapter Twenty Five

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When I finally logged in, Risk Smp was in absolute chaos. People were running around, screaming. The forest near spawn was completely aflame, and Scott was maniacally laughing while trying to chase Forge Labs to his doom.

"He's gone haywire!" Punz shrieked, and I rushed to their rescue. I quickly diverted water from the potato farm and was able to put out most of the fire. I was almost about to question Scott, especially when voting was so close, when (Real quick interjection so sorry, uhm, I knew at the beginning I would say that people couldn't get immunity, but now they can if they find a totem of undying) Graystillplays suddenly appeared.

"Gray?" I was astonished, "I thought that you went back to the database! What on earth are you doing here?"

"Just in the mood for a little chaos," He stopped floating and landed near me, "Quite a nice smp here Y/n. You're a hard one to find."

"I was so worried about you!" I exclaimed to my friend, "But uhm, again, what are you doing here?"

"I already told you darling, mischief. Scott just happened to be the one I selected," He gestured to the fainted player, "It was very easy to control him. Went down without a fight and everything! Anyways, I just thought that I would check-in with an old friend. I'm off to commit some arson on a different server, bye!" And just as quickly as he'd appeared, Graystillslays disappeared.

"That was... odd," Badlinu replied, "Shall we start the voting now?"

A few people were angry with the entire event, and started yelling at each other, specifically Bad, for reminding me about the voting. Not wanting to get involved, I casually stood off to the side and prepared the redstone contraption.

All of us gathered around without votes, and placed them into the hopper. After a moment, I flicked the lever and they all came out of the dispenser. I'd voted for Scott, since he'd always been a pain; and Gray had nothing to do with that. To my surprise, I was voted on quite a bit.


Y/n: 3 Votes

Scott: 1 Vote

Badlinu: 6 Votes

Katherine: 2 Votes

Punz: 2 Votes

Beesechurger: 1 Vote

Badlinu got selected by a landslide, and went into Spectator mode. Sadly, the poor fellow had just been in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Y/n: Survival

Lizzie: Survival

Camman: Survival

SomeMinecrafter: Survival

Lauren: Spectator

Wilbur: Spectator

Rekrap: Survival

Philza: Survival

Katherine: Survival

Sockshorts: Survival

Beesechurger: Survival

Joel: Spectator

Forge Labs: Survival

Ryguy: Survival

Nihachu: Survival

Badlinu: Spectator

Punz: Survival

Scott: Survival

"Who do you think is going to be next?" LDShadowlady appeared worried, "I've scammed a couple of people, and once they notice for sure I'm going to be voted off! I don't want to leave this smp so soon."

"Don't worry Lizzie!" I replied, "I'm sure nothing like that will happen! Perhaps we should make some kind of alliance though, with more people? Beesechurger and Sockshorts as well as Camman have been teamed up since the beginning, agreeing with votes and things like that. They have already gotten the upper hand."

"Okay Y/n, but who should we team with? We need to beat three people."

"I'd suggest Lauren, but she's already been voted off," I contemplated, "What about Katherine and Nihachu? They are both sort of alone right now, and we can be a witch coven again! Just like in Empires Season 2."

"I don't know..." She said uneasily, "What if we were like the Dsmp, an underground anarchy sort of thing? Oh my gosh, Syndicate Part Two? I've always envied that smp."

"That actually sounds great, Liz, and I know that Nikki is going to be ecstatic with that idea! Hopefully they both agree, otherwise," I laughed, "The secret is going to be completely blown.

"Lets first go to Katherine," My friend replied, "She's more trustworthy, just in my opinion. If we need to take down Nihachu, it would be three against one."

"Suppose so..." I replied, "And her house is closer anyway, so let's go."

The two of us traveled by foot, then by horse once we found some to her fairy-cottage. Kathy was always making cute cottages, especially fairy-ones.

"It's adorable!" I squealed, "No... breathtaking."

"I'm glad you like it!" A familiar voice said behind us. Startled, me and Lizzie jumped forward and turned around. Luckily, it was just Katherine.

"We were just looking for you!" LDShadowLady smiled, "We're creating a Syndicate to rebel against the government and voting system. Would you like to join?"

"Uhm," Kathy backed away from us, "Isn't Y/n the person who created the voting system?"

"Wait a minute!" Lizzie was now also backing away from me, "You're trying to manipulate us! DOWN WITH THE REVOLUTION! DOWN WITH Y/N!"

"WHAT-" I began running, the two behind me in hot pursuit. Trying to gain an alliance and friendship had resulted in everyone against me! My only option now was to get to Nikki before they could, and somehow convince her that all this wasn't my fault. Some operation that this turned out to be.


WOO 855 Words! I think I'm going to have DreamXD come back in two chapters. This is supposed to be a DreamXD x Reader for crying out loud! I think after almost 100 chapters of writing about their relationship I kinda got bored ngl. He's going to make a very grand entrance though, don't worry!

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