Chapter Two

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 I carefully tried to place the dark-oak log onto the pillar. It was extremely heavy, and while the weather was nice, this was grueling labor. I'd only been at it for about two hours, but I had made a lot less progress than I'd expected.

Suddenly, I slipped off of the scaffolding. I let out a shrill scream, surely this would lead to a broken ankle of some sort? All of a sudden I felt myself land into warm hands. It was Technoblade?

"Oh my gosh you saved me!" I let out a little sigh of relief, "Thank goodness you're here! What great timing."

"It's nothing really-" His braided pink hair swished in the wind elegantly, "Just here at the right time I suppose," He paused, "Like you said a moment ago."

I rolled my eyes playfully, "Stop being so modest! You were incredible, seriously!" I let out a nervous giggle, "But on that note... do you think you could help me?"

"I'd be glad too," Techno gave me a soft smile, "In fact, I was over here to do just that. Figured you'd need a helping hand, but honestly, you're making great progress!" He was being a little sarcastic, I knew, but it was all part of the package deal when it came to The Blade.

Techno grabbed the log that had fallen and in seconds was at the top of the scaffolding. He cautiously crept onto the ladder while maintaining his balance, and positioned it perfectly in place.

"Wow," I breathed, "You make that look so easy!"

"Practice I guess," He murmured, "Hand me the next one, would you?"

I handed him the next dark-oak log, then the planks, and we continued all the way until the light began to fade. The treetops rustled in the night wind, and Technoblade took out his crossbow bolts, loading it to keep away any zombies or skeletons. Suddenly, out with a terrifying screech from the sky came a phantom. It had beady-green eyes and wings a minimum of six feet across each. There were six of them in total, diving in from the sky. With the house only halfway-built, the two of us ran into the mineshaft and blocked the entrance with cobblestone. I took out my flint and steel and nervously lit a torch, the cold of night and the cave chilling me to the bone.

"What do we do now?" I whispered, scared for our lives.

"Don't worry Y/n, the phantoms can't get us in here. We just have to wait until morning, since they're so many-" His voice trailed off as we heard a skeleton shoot its arrow. Milliseconds later, a ton of them started spawning, along with zombies and a creeper or two. A creeper exploded just feet in front of us, setting off another one as well. The entire cave in front of us crumbled, and we couldn't see the mobs in the dim light. A skeleton shot an arrow at us, and it hit me in the side through my blouse. I winced in pain, Technoblade now beginning to panic. He grabbed the last remaining cobblestone on home and blocked us in, lighting another torch for the small cavern he'd created.

Techno took off his outer jacket, and I knew he would be using that as a bandage. His hands trailed to the hem of my shirt and looked nervously up at me, "I- Is this okay?"

"Yea," I squealed, the pain starting to get to me now. He lifted up my clothing about halfway to be polite, and created a bandage, careful not to make it hurt too bad. The Blade quickly got a "Splash Potion of Healing" from his belt, the only one I should mention, and rubbed its contents onto me.

"Thank you," I said, as I felt a lot better. (At about eight hearts)

"Yeah uh, don't mention it."


647 Words! Eh, its pretty good in all honesty. This is my second post for today, and I seriously need to take a break now. I have been really inspired recently! The book has been giving me so many new, fresh ideas! Please leave a comment on how I can improve this book!

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