Chapter Fifteen

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Today was the day that I would be forever leaving the Database. (Hopefully.) The possibility had been driving me crazy, and probably the rest of our group too. We would be meeting up with Mexican Dream, Ghostbur, Ranboo, Dream, and Jschlatt at the town hall.

"Lets go Y'n," Techno helped me up onto my horse, and The Blade went onto his own. The ride there was long and weary, but luckily we had enough food to get us there. My hair was blown back and messy, but I had a hairbrush. We came prepared.

"Hey guys!" Ghostbur greeted, "You finally made it! Mexican Dream is the only one not here yet, and I'm a little but worried," His voice was always so concerned, and it truly melted my heart.

"I'm sure he's just running a little late," I reassured my ghost friend, but I wasn't exactly convinced myself. After he had run out of my house last nice, it was clear that Mexican wasn't mentally stable.

"Have you met Ranboo yet?" Dream asked me, glancing over to a half-enderman hybrid. He was busy ordering some food from a stall.

"No, not yet," I said smoothly, "I was going to meet him now."

"What if you didn't have a connection with him?!" Dream asked me concerningly, "That right there could decide the fate of us making it to the past world!"

"Oh my gosh you're right!" Realization struck in, "I'm going to introduce myself right now. Hopefully I feel something! What a foolish mistake for me to make. Not at this stage!"

"Hello," I said, and tapped him on the shoulder. The tall fellow turned around and glanced at my much shorter state, clearly amused.

In a monotone-ish voice, a bit like Techno in a way, he replied, "I take it your Y/n? You already feel familiar."

"Yes, I agree," I did feel a little something, but it was very faint. Perhaps we hardly knew each other. But I mean, we did know each other.

"I made a foolish mistake," I admitted, and the word foolish suddenly seemed familiar. That was weird, it hadn't been before. Maybe it was just a false alarm? Pushing it off to the side, I stuttered, "You see, I didn't check first-"

"I understand U/n," Huh, nobody had called me by my username in quite some time, "Don't mind it now. Just be thankful that everything is resolved, and we can live with our choices."

"Wisely spoken," I answered, "This whole waiting-thing has gotten me a bit riled up," I admitted, "I don't want to get my hopes up."

"Instead of hoping," He suggested, "Focus on yourself," It appeared that the enderman was all full of answers.

"Will do, uh, thanks," Ranboo sure was an odd fellow, but he did have some pretty good advice. The rest of the waiting time actually did go a lot nicer!

Announcement from Mojang: "And the Winner is Group... Y/n!"


490 Words, sorry for the lack of motivation! I'm sick and school hammered me with a few essays

"Intertwined" ~A DreamXD x Reader~Where stories live. Discover now