Chapter Twenty Eight

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"Ok everyone!" I shouted after the voting session, "Risk Smp is moving on too slowly. The next round four people are going to be voted out!"

The crowd became silent, horrified. I mean, I was in a risky situation with my head being #1 on everyone's hitlist. If I didn't get immunity, I would be dead for sure. I HAD to find a totem of undying.

The next day, everyone had scattered all over the map to find themselves immunity, traveling thousands and thousands of blocks for desert temples. Many had already been looted, and Scott had been the only one to find a totem of undying, and that was quite a while ago.

Somehow, I'd gotten lucky and the fourth temple got me my immunity. I found two more desert temples, but neither had anything good, so I ended up going home two weeks in with only one immunity. Yikes. I knew that a lot of other people had been making better progress than me, and Katherine had found two.

A lot of people had to travel over 100,000 blocks, and people went to the end for elytra and fireworks just to travel faster. Desert temple after desert temple, desert biome after desert biome. (Oh shoot lol, they actually spawn through raids and woodland mansions. Uhm, let's just call this a mod haha).

Punz ended up finding a Woodland mansion, and found FOUR there, so he would be safe for quite some time. My teammate Forge Labs found one, and people were starting tons of raids for evokers. In the end, nobody was sure who had gotten one.

Finally it was time for voting, and I used mine, and so did my partner. The list of people who hadn't gotten an immunity or gotten a totem of undying from somebody else were:







Everyone else used their immunity, and out of the six people remaining four of which would be voted out. Who was it going to be? Who would be voting out? Twelve votes would now be cast. I had casted my vote for Nikki, and prayed she would be out.

Nikki: 2 Votes

SomeMinecrafter: 1 Vote

Philza: 2 Votes

Rekrap: 4 Votes

Sockshorts: 2 Votes

Beesechurger: 1 Vote

The top people were Rekrap, Nikki, Philza, and Sockshorts. SomeMinecrafter and Beesechurger were saved. Suddenly, at the last section, Punz announced, "I use one of my remaining three immunities to save Philza." It didn't surprise me, since they were in a half-alliance, and that meant SomeMinecrafter and Beesechurger were tied. It would now be a random choice by the dispenser, since Camman and Wilbur had already done the duel, and a repeat would be boring.

Some and Beese were extremely nervous, but Beesechurger actually wanted to be voted out. "A game without Sockshorts isn't a game at all. I hope I'm voted out."

"And the fourth person to be voted out, is.... "SomeMinecrafter32!" The crowd gasped, and Rekrap, Nihachu, SomeMinecrafter, and Sockshorts were all voted out. It had been a massive, upscale event, but now Risk Smp would be over sooner then later, which was good for me getting back together with DreamXD. I don't think Beesechurger was happy with me, though.

Y/n: Survival -0 Immunity

Lizzie: Survival -0 Immunity

Camman: Spectator

SomeMinecrafter: Spectator

Lauren: Spectator

Wilbur: Spectator

Rekrap: Spectator

Philza: Survival -0 Immunity

Katherine: Survival -0 Immunity

Sockshorts: Spectator

Beesechurger: Survival -0 Immunity

Joel: Spectator

Forge Labs: Survival -0 Immunity

Ryguyrocky: Spectator

Nihachu: Spectator

Badlinu: Spectator

Punz: Survival -2 Immunity

Scott: Survival -1 Immunity

Punz was now going to be the most dangerous enemy, and somebody to look out for. Here was the catch though, XD would be joining, and he would be receiving a pile of loot for his troubles. My husband would become a part of my alliance, and with that chest of things, he'd get an immunity. Sure, there were two of us, but if one of us was to be in deep trouble, that thing would surely come in handy.My only hope would be him joining before next month. Nobody would ever pick the new player, right? So that meant I could use the immunity without going on a manhunt for a woodland mansion or setting up some sort of crazy raid. It wasn't a permanent solution, but it would get me just a little bit further ahead. I was determined to win this.


734 Words! Seriously, not that bad at all. My plan for this book is to reach 100 chapters, and have the third and final sequel, "Entertwined" be more about Drista. That one will probably only be about 35 chapters. What do you guys think though?

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