Chapter Thirteen

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Announcement from Microsoft: "Yesterday our hard-drives malfunctioned and many people got one or two memories. There shouldn't be any problems, but if they are bad memories and you wish to delete them, please go to Shop #4 in your town central. Thank you for cooperating with us.

"So that explains it," I closed my book, The Art of War, something that Techno took interest in and lent to me. I stretched my arms and yawned, then casually rolled off of the couch. I hated pretending that everything was normal, but I couldn't deny the things that I'd seen. Poor Techno had been controlled by the voices, and somehow they were locked up when we came here.

As much as I would love to try and find a way back to The Past, I didn't want my best friend to get hurt anymore. Surely, he would be alright here?

Announcement from Microsoft: "Once again we find our hardrives to be at maximum capacity. You may apply to go back to The Past if you wish, and the larger your group the more chance for you to be selected. However, you can only have people you used to be connected with in your group."

"All of this is so interesting," I murmured to the Hybrid, but the notice seemed to have surprised him, and he sighed softly. Technoblade then gazed up towards the ceiling, as if he was trying to search for something, some sort of guidance.

"I think we should apply."

I knew that he was going to say this too, and you know what? It might have only been a day, but the wait to tell him about my memory was unbearable, and unacceptable to me, so I simply said it, "I have to tell you something. And you're not going to like it. In fact, you might change your mind about the overworld, I know I have."

"Sounds serious, please continue," His monotone voice seemed so unreasonably calm, and I felt even worse about the entire thing again.

"You had voices-"

"I know," The Orphan Slayer interrupted me, and gave me a gentle smile, "Jschlatt knows more than you would think. And don't worry Y/n, it was only in the Dream Smp. The voices can't come here, they're just entities. They are gone, forever, the code is broken and they 100% cease to exist. Care to say anything else?"

"You really are something else," I put a hand on top of his, "I love you Techno, but only as a friend."

"Well Y/n, I have to admit I did truly love you for a short time. But the more time that we've spent together, I think that you're better off as a friend. A BEST friend. You're up there with Dream now," He did his normal laugh.

"Awh, I thought I would have beaten him already!" What a perfect way to start the day. Who knows? The odds weren't in our favor with DreamXD already gone, but maybe we'd be selected, just MAYBE.


I hope that you've enjoyed this chapter! Sorry for not posting for three whole days, I had a math test to study for this week. This was fun to write, especially vibing to a Jschlatt playlist.

"Intertwined" ~A DreamXD x Reader~Where stories live. Discover now