Chapter Fourteen

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TW: Mention of Drugs/Mexican Dream

"So we have you, me, Ghostbur, Jschlatt, Ranboo, Graystillslays, Friend, and... Mexican Dream?" Techno gave me a confused look at the last name.

"Don't question it," I reassured him, "We knew him. I get very chaotic energy from him, and I guess... Mexican energy?"

"Alrrrright...?" Technoblade carefully wrote him down onto the list, and called for a carrier parrot. The animal came quickly, and swiftly grabbed the letter. This piece of paper could decide our fate, and whether I'd see DreamXD again. Since only one group was being chosen, it was simply a matter of pure luck.

It was just a waiting game now.

...Timeskip 3 Hours

"Mexican Dream is here," My voice was almost a whisper, for I didn't want to ruin the current ambience. It was raining once again, and the pattering on the window was very soothing for my nerves. Almost expectantly, I waited for XD to open the door, but of course, he wasn't here anymore. I let out a rough sigh, and went to greet the new visitor. So far, the only people I hadn't met from the past were him and Ranboo. I was silently praying to myself thatI I knew he was, because if he wasn't it would be an easy rejection from the database. Thankfully, Mexican Dreams' familiar mask (Dream face reveal doesn't affect him) triggered my emotions, and I remembered that we had a good time together in the past, though it was short-lived.

"Hola! Would you like some happy flower?" He threw a suspicious-looking package at my feet.

I smiled nervously, and replied, "Haha, no thank you. I'm going to have to decline that," The Mexican looked disappointed, and picked up the substance. Clearly he was a little off his rocker, or completely off.

"Where am I?" He gave a confused glance around Techno's log cabin, "Would you like some happy flower?" Then he burst out laughing, and collapsed onto the ground with a thud.

"Are- Are you alright?" I asked, and gave him a small kick to the side, only causing him to snore. Well just great, we have an illegal drug seller passed out on our porch! Who knows if he'd even wake up for the choosing!

"Uhm," Techno seemed very confused, "Should we put him on the couch or something?" The Blade got up from his seat on the sofa, and calmly grabbed some pillows and blankets from a closet. The two of them grabbed him (He was a little heavy, even for a strong person like Technoblade), and hauled him onto the furniture. Deciding that it was late enough to sleep anyway, I went to bed early, while Techno decided to do some extra late-night potato farming.

I heard the familiar footsteps of the anthropomorphic hybrid in the hallway around midnight, and then... Mexican Dreams? Instantly I leapt up from the bed and switched on all the lights. He let out a shrill scream, causing me to jump.

"Oh my GOD. You scared me! What- What are you doing?" Mexican Dream just started laughing and sniffed some of the uh, substance. Distraught by all of this, the only plausible thing to do was send him home, but he started screaming, "MAMACITA! BLONDE QUACKITY! KYLEHQ!"

"What's going on?" Technoblade came into the room nonchalantly, and took a big stretch. Mexican Dream yelled some gibberish and then rang out of the house, leaving the front door open on his way out.

"I'm actually kind of nervous," I said to my friend, "What if he's dangerous?"

"Nah," Techno said with his normal laugh, "He's harmless. Besides, he's just amped up on drugs.

"If you say so," I was still quite uneasy about the whole ordeal, but put it off for a misunderstanding. After all, I had tomorrow to rest for! A chance for freedom! Even if the odds of escaping the database were small...


648 Words- Pretty good, but I haven't posted in FOUR DAYS. Like that's waaay to long, and I got a little preoccupied with my Dream x Reader and schoolwork haha. Sorry about the *cough references to substance, but COME ON. Its Mexican Dream! I tried to use strikethough, but when I transferred it from Google Docs to here it erased it. Posting again hopefully on Friday! Thursday is another busy day for me, and I might have to upload another chapter of my Dream x Reader.

"Intertwined" ~A DreamXD x Reader~Where stories live. Discover now