Chapter Nineteen

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Y/n Pov

"XD," He came in from the living room of the vacation home we were living in. Origins Smp was still thriving, and we visited Drista and Tommy fairly often. Over the course of their lives, they had grown a lot closer, and of course, they were both at an age to date. (Yea I'm not in the mood to make Drista like 15 and Tommy 18. AGE OF CONSENT PEOPLES!! Anyways-)

"Hm?" He had a bored expression, as always. Things just seemed to be repeating, day after day the same old thing. A part of me wanted to go back to the days of risking it all, but in my heart I knew that DreamXD didn't want that.

"We were going to go to Memory Smp today," I said lightheartedly, "To pay our respects to Gray and our old lives."

"Really?" He rolled his eyes, "Gray was the worst. Seriously! And besides, he will never change. The fellow went back to the Database to live a long and prosperous life there, it was his decision to screw everything up here."

"That's not fair!" I insisted, "The other Server-Raiders made him get caught up in all that. I think he was a good person at the wrong place at the wrong time."

"When will you stop being naive Y/n?" My husband snapped, "It's not an accident he destroyed eight servers in a row. We're lucky he spared all of our lives!"

I sighed, it had been the same conversation for the last year and a half. Why didn't he understand my feelings? It was always the same between us, argueing, fighting, a break, and then making back up again a week later. Sometimes, it felt like we weren't compatible. Oh, to go back to the good ol' days back on the Dream Smp (Season One) with every day a new adventure, things to figure out, and most of all, the love between me and DreamXD unbreakable.

Almost as if my wishes had come true, something remarkable happened at that very moment. Drista came running into the room, and yelled, "DSMP IS BACK! IT'S BACK!"

My heart leapt into my throat, and then... she vanished. Another illusion. I had been having these all the time recently, of life going back. With all the things that we'd seen, it was hard to forget it all, forget the trauma, the sadness of the servers being destroyed. How.. how XD stopped caring for me.

"Did you see it again? A mirage?" He put a gentle hand on my shoulder, and it felt nice to be in DreamXD's arms again. Things weren't all bad between us, of course, but things seemed a little off, still.

"It's nothing," I replied, "Maybe I'll go take a nap."

"If you're sure," He said, "And we can visit Memory Smp if you're all that keen about it."

"No no, really, we can stay here with your sister for a little while longer. I'll just uh, figure it out by myself," I could tell that my words hurt him, but I didn't care anymore. I didn't care.


518 Words, HAPPY THANKSGIVING BREAK! Writing has been pushed to the back of my agenda recently, but I'm trying to get back into it! <3

&quot;Intertwined&quot; ~A DreamXD x Reader~Where stories live. Discover now