Chapter Thirty One

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It was time for the penultimate! With three contestants of Risk Smp left, the finale would be next. Voting session for this round was finally happening, and it was looking like I'd be voted out. The only thing I could hope for would be Lizzie and Beesechuger's alliance breaking off, but it appeared unlikely.

Sure enough, I was voted out immediately. The redstone contraptions activated the command block, and the automated voice of myself said, "Y/n it appears that you've been eliminated. You will now be turned into a spectator." My vision faded, and everything that I'd worked for was gone. It was now the council's time to decide who would be the winner.

Going by order of who had joined the smp, we would be casting out votes. LDShadowLady had worked much harder than Beesechurger_76, winning alliances, turning people against each other, scamming people and not being caught, etc. All he'd done was rely on Sockshorts, and be carried out by the other players. People whispered amongst themselves, and that seemed to be what everyone agreed on.

I casted mine, then Camman, then SomeMinecrafter. Next it was Lauren and Wilbur, Rekrap, Philza and Katherine, then Sockshorts. Etc, etc, and it was time for the final toll to be shown.

LDShadowLady: 11 Votes

Beeserchurger_73: 7 Votes

By unanimous vote, she was the winner! It was a little surprising she was that far ahead, but it made sense. She was a really sweet, and kind person overall. She hadn't lied all that much, and made one of the largest impacts on Risk Smp. She'd made friends and alliances, not enemies. Lizzie completely deserved the win! I turned both of them into Spectators since the game was over, and while Risk Smp was fun, there wouldn't be a Season Two anytime soon. Everyone needed a break. Over this duration though, me and DreamXD had become closer, not just as lovers, but as friends. It felt amazing to explore gameplay in a new way like this, with invisible wars so-to-speak. It really helped people like me, who weren't as good as gameplay. This would officially conclude this chapter, or well, multiple chapters of my life.


Sorry this chapter is short! BUT THANK GOD THIS SEGMENT IS OVER, LIKE HONESTLY! If I have to write 110 total chapters of this book, I seriously don't want to do this only writing about this weird off-the-wall smp idea.

"Intertwined" ~A DreamXD x Reader~Where stories live. Discover now