Chapter Thirty Six

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There wasn't really anything I could do, at least, within my control. I felt like everything I was thinking weren't really my true thoughts either. The first step of action would be to find DreamXD, but how? Would they let me? All of a sudden, my movements stopped. They had logged off. They had logged off! If there was any chance, it would be now.

I gathered some of my belongings, only to have them disappear when I left the server. I'd be reset to admin central soon, so I seriously had to hurry. I went to Origins Smp, and found a girl named Drista.

"Hello, I'm new here," I introduced myself. She was about seventeen, (She's gotten older throughout the books) with a green hoodie and dirty blonde hair. I'd seen her book, with the mention of this particular Smp and her brother.

"Hi, my name is Drista. What's your name?" She asked me, and hoped that her controller was offline. I then replied, saying, "My name is Y/n, There is much to tell you, but very little time. Do you know where your brother is?"

"What do you mean?" She responded, puzzled. I tried to clarify, "Do you know somebody named DreamXD? He was your brother in a past life, and-"

"I'll see myself out now," The girl turned around and walked away, that's when I realized it! I must've seemed crazy to the ordinary eye, and she must not have seen the books yet. The whole thing made me nauseous, and I tried to find somebody else. All of a sudden, I got teleported. ALREADY?? It felt like less than a day, but maybe time passed differently between realms. Nonetheless, it was another hard day, this time grinding in Hypixel Skyblock. It was beginning to feel like torture, and less like I had control over my life. I was becoming more and more desperate to find DreamXD, and finally, I got the chance.

It was a hypixel bedwars game, four vs four vs four vs four map. Tensions were high, the sun was burning onto everyone. My stone sword was slippery with sweat, and my bed was left unprotected. The narrow bridge I walked on had gaps and holes that needed to be jumped occasionally, and the wool was flexible and hard to even just stand on. My color was blue, and red and green were battling it out to the death over a couple of emeralds. Not like they had the choice.

I was now bridging towards yellow, one of my teammates right behind me. One of them was standing atop their well-protected bed, and fired a fireball straight at us. At the last second, I hit it back to them with my sword, the scorching flame breaking the exterior wool layer around their bed. I continued my bridging, two more yellow teammates appearing. Outnumbered and at their home base, not a good recipe for anything besides disaster. I ran out of wool, but thankfully I had two ender pearls, giving one to my teammate. I threw the device, my other red member coming right behind me. We landed with two hearts already, ny friend getting smoked in mere seconds. They were distracted and I mined one endstone, there was a wool layer underneath. I didn't have an axe! I placed the TNT, but it wasn't quite enough. All of a sudden, green appeared. Their bed was already gone, and this was a risky move. One got shot down by yellow, a final kill. The other got to half health, and I regenerated a couple hearts back. I ran down and got the bed, the third yellow being knocked off as a final kill.

Though green had saved me, this was the game. I ate my last gapple and knocked him off the edge. The final respawning of the two yellow came, the fourth still not appearing and likely having logged off. Another red member came, and took one of the yellow out. I suddenly saw blue was attacking our base and struggling. I knocked the two final yellows off with a fireball, and bought some wool at their villager. I bridged up, and- bed was destroyed. Yellow and green were gone, but now it was just me and one other red member, and she had only been the bed builder. No good at PVP. With the blue bed still intact, it seemed that all was lost. But not quite yet, the time ran out! Their bed was destroyed, and we seized the opportunity. One of the blue members was stuck at a diamond spawner, and together we pushed him off the edge. Another one came, and my teammate died, yet I killed him next. Two more came towards me, and I bridged up towards the middle. The border began to close in, and they were too slow, suffocating in the red perimeter. I had won the game. Now to do this a hundred more times...


830 Words, I hope  you enjoyed this chapter! I think I forgot to put the information at the bottom of the last one. I want to do things more Hypixel-related, so let me know what you think about detailed fighting things like this!

"Intertwined" ~A DreamXD x Reader~Where stories live. Discover now