Not him - Angst

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Really angsty :(
Year 5

Third Person POV:
No.... Not the only family Harry has. It can't be him. Draco thought frantically. His aunt lifted his wand at Sirius who wasn't paying attention to his surroundings. He immediately lunged at Harry's godfather, knocking him onto the floor but getting hit by Bellatrix's spell instead on his left shoulder.

Harry's POV:
"DRACO!" I cried. His face looked like his soul was getting sucked out by a dementor. He gave me one last weak, reassuring smile and mouthing the words 'I love you'. He sighed and his body floating into the arch, disappearing.

"NO!" I scream. I run for him but Sirius holds me back. I claw at his arms, shouting and screaming. He can't.. he just can't be.. dead.

"LET- ME- GO!" I roar.
"He's dead, Harry." he rasped.
"NO HE JUST WENT THROUGH! WE- WE CAN STILL SAVE HIM!" I choke, hot tears running down my face.

Third Person POV again:
Bellatrix's face went pale. She hadn't meant to kill her sister's son. She meant to kill Sirius Black. She quite frankly didn't care about Draco, however. It was the fact he was Narcissa's son.

She fled the scene. Harry broke through Sirius's grasp and ran after her.

"HARRY NO!" Remus's voice echoed.
"CRUCIO!" Harry yelled.

Bellatrix dropped to the ground, letting out a small screech. He threateningly pointed his wand at the woman who lay at the floor.

"Hasn't anybody taught itty, bitty, baby Potter how to use an unforgivable curse?" she taunted, cackling. "YOU-" Harry began, but was cut off by a choking, raspy voice.

"You've got to mean it." the voice murmured. Harry's scar burned with pain. This could mean only one thing. Voldemort is here.


Harry's leg bounced up and down as he sat in Dumbledore's office. He was still trembling from the traumatic experience.

"I understand how you're feeling-" Dumbledore said.
"NO- YOU DON'T KNOW HOW I FEEL!" Harry roared at the Headmaster suddenly. He couldn't help it. He felt tears form in his eyes again. Dumbledore's calming blue eyes gazed into Harry's furious green ones.

"It's apart of the human life. You experience-"
"THEN I- DON'T- WANT- TO- BE- HUMAN!" Harry shouted, kicking a few things off the low table. He threw books at the wall, enraged. However, Dumbledore was not fazed.

"Destroying my possessions will not bring Draco back."

Harry hated this so much. He felt so many emotions at the same time he wasn't even sure how he felt. At this point, he felt numb.

He left Dumbledore's office, mind still buzzing. He still couldn't process that his boyfriend died. He swallowed the painful lump that was in his throat.


Harry visited Draco's grave to this day. His grave was showered with beautiful flowers, including his favorite one; dandelions. It's been several years since his death and not a day goes by without missing him.

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