Switch - Smut

886 7 2

Female Harry, bdsm, use of toys, overstimulation, degradation

Third Person POV:
"Harry, Love, I made some homemade pumpkin juice! Want some?" Draco asked.
"Sure, I was about to get something to drink anyways." Harry smiled. He took the glass of 'pumpkin juice' and chugged it in one go.
"Er- tastes a bit weird." Harry grunted, placing the cup down on the counter.

Draco smirked smugly.

"What did you do-" Harry then fainted.

Harry woke up with a jolt. He was propped up against the bed headboard, wrists tied to both sides of the headboard and his legs tied on top of both wrists. Who knew he was so flexible? He looked down and saw that he was fully naked and what was between his legs. A fucking vagina. He let out a yelp of shock as he looked around and saw his boyfriend smiling like a Cheshire cat.

"What happened to me?" Harry cried in a feminine voice.
"That 'pumpkin juice' you drank was actually a potion. A potion that would change your sex to the opposite for 24 hours." Draco hummed.
"Why am I tied up- why am I naked?!" Harry squeaked, blushing furiously.

Draco walked to the side of the bed and slapped the back of one of his thighs. Harry let out a moan, face getting redder from embarrassment.

"Leaking already? You just woke up you fucking slut." Draco scoffed. He used his index finger to lap up some of the juices from Harry's cunt and licked it clean. Harry whined as he watched with lust.
"Always wanted to see how you'd look like as a girl. And let me tell you this. You look fucking stunning. Absolutely gorgeous." Draco murmured, eyes scanning Harry's entire naked body.

Harry blushed and looked away.

"Tell me if it gets too much and I'll stop, alright?" Draco smiled, but with a hint of mischief. Harry nodded immediately, wiggling his hips for whatever Draco had in stock for him.

Draco slapped his pussy, hard. Harry let out loud moans as Draco did it repeatedly.

"You'll need a new name. Hm, Harriet sounds divine don't you think?" Draco mumbled, face flushed.

Harriet didn't answer, she just gazed up at him angrily. The blonde smirked as he sat down on the side of the bed and placed his hand on top of her cunt. He began to circle her clit. Harry cried out. Draco picked up the speed, muttering dirty things at her, calling her whore, slut, toy, and more. After a bit, he was furiously pressing down on the clit, moving his fingers in circles extremely fast as Harriet screamed and wailed. She was moaning wantonly as she couldn't keep her eyes off her boyfriend torturing her pussy with no mercy. She came quite soon, juices spraying out of her pussy as she let out one last squeal-like moan.

Draco removed his hands and shoved his fingers into Harriet's mouth. She sucked on his fingers, tasting her own juice as her poor pussy throbbed red.

Draco opened the bed side table drawer and took out a vibrator which had 3 settings. Harriet whined when he attached the vibrator onto her pussy, making sure it was directly on top of her clit. He took out the remote, smirking.

"P-Please-" Harriet sobbed, drool dripping down the side of her mouth. "Just fuck me with your cock already!"

Draco shook his head to Harriet's disappointment,

"You yelled at me today, remember? Only good girls get cock. Now shut up while I torment your useless pussy." Draco rasped.

Draco turned on the vibrator to the highest setting and threw it behind him. Harriet gasped and moaned. Cries of pleasure filled the bedroom as Draco listened with amusement. It was music to his ears. Harriet went through her second orgasm- then another.

"S-Switch it off! Just fuck me!" she screamed.

Well, the blonde WAS getting hard. He took pity on her and switched the vibrator off and removed it. Her pussy looked like it was out of breath- and red. Harriet sighed once Draco untied her. He took off his belt, pants, and boxers in one swift move and crawled in front of the girl.

"Are you sure you don't need prep?-"
"God damn it Draco Malfoy if you dont fuck me right now I'll kill you!" Harriet scowled

Draco chuckled as he slowly entered her pussy. Harriet sighed with relief and pleasure. Draco begun to thrust into her G-spot. Harriet scratched at his back, moaning loudly.

Draco grunted as he filled her cunt up. Harriet cried as she went through her fourth orgasm. Draco's cock easily slipped out of her abused pussy and collapsed next to her. Harriet's legs continued to tremble, pussy still throbbing.

"This... was nice." Harriet mumbled as she hugged Draco from behind.

Draco hummed in agreement and they both fell into deep slumber.

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