Stars - Angst

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TW: Death

Third Person POV:

They had finally defeated Voldemort. People were cheering, some were crying over their lost ones. Draco looked around for his boyfriend and he saw him, panting heavily, and then drop to his knees.

Draco hastily runs over to his boyfriend, gleeful.

"Harry! We defeated him! We did it! We-"

His words were cut off as Harry staggered to the ground, looking pale and exhausted.

"Are you okay? Don't worry I'll-"
"Draco.." he sighed.

Draco knew something was wrong immediately and crouched down next to his laying body.

"Yes, my love? What is it?"
"Those stars.." he whispered, pointing his shaky finger at the sky. The dark void was indeed full of beautiful, dazzling little dots.
"Those stars.. are my friends and family.. tonight, I'll be among them.. watching you." he rasped.
"What? Harry, are you feeling ill?"

He shook his head, too weak to say anything more.

Hermione and Ron ran toward the two boys.

"What's wrong with Harry?" Hermione asked, a flash of fear in her eyes.
"He's just tired." Draco said but Harry shook his head.

Harry placed his hand on Draco's and gripped it slightly.

He looked over to the three people and smiled, looked back to the stars, and closed his eyes.

"Harry, this is no place for a nap!" Draco nagged.

Draco noticed his body looked lifeless and pale. He shook his limp body slightly, not too much.

"Harry? Wake up."

His shiny emerald eyes were now dull. He didn't seem to breathe.

"Harry!" Draco screamed, and couldn't help but cry.

Hermione clutched Ron's arm, tears leaking out of her eyes. Soon more people crowded around them, some gasping when they noticed Harry was dead.

Luna walked over to the two boys, Draco was too busy crying to notice her. She puts her pure-white hands on Harry's eyelids and closes them.

"There. Now it looks like he's sleeping." She said calmly. Draco hugged his body tightly. He felt a warm embrace around his body yet nobody was touching him. Then he realized it was Harry who was giving him one last hug before he joined his friends and family. He looked up towards the dark sky and noticed an emerald-colored star which soon turned white like the others.

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