Ties - Fluff

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Year 5

Third Person POV:
"Did you switch houses or something?" Ron jokes.
"What?-" Harry looks down at his collar and noticed he was wearing a green and silver tie instead of a gold and red one. His face flushed pink as he hurried to rip it off his neck. He and Draco must've switched ties. He looked over to the Slytherin table and saw a glimpse of red and gold. His face turned red even more if that was somehow possible. He stood up and stiffly walked towards the Slytherin table. He strutted over to Draco, blushing madly.

"Er- I think our ties have switched." Harry mutters.

Draco nods, who's pale face was also flushed out of embarrassment. He takes off the tie and looks at it longingly before exchanging it with Harry. They both put the tie back on. Harry nods to Draco who nods politely back. He walked back to his house's table and sits in between Hermione and Ron.

"So you're not going to tell us what that was about?" Ron gasped.

Harry shook his head and smiled, taking a small bite of a fried egg.

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