The Dark Mark - Angst

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TW: Blood, sh
6th year

Third Person POV:
"Harry, I-"
"No, save it. I don't want to hear it. I trusted you and you betrayed me." Harry said, enraged as his curled his lips inwards.
"I don't want this mark, Harry. I was forced, please help me. I don't want to become a death eater like my family... Harry, please."

Harry stared at him with loathe which sent daggers into Draco's heart that pained him. His swallowed the lump in his throat as he forced himself to calm down so he didn't start breaking down in front of the Gryffindor.

"I've covered it with make up, but I can still see the outline through the foundation. I've tried spells to make it disappear at least, but they didn't work. I don't know what to do, Harry, you have to help me." Draco begged. He never thought him as a Malfoy would have to beg to anybody for help.

His lover thought for a moment as his gaze softened.

"I believe you. I'm sorry for thinking you'd ever betray me. It's okay, Draco. I quite frankly don't mind the Dark Mark as long as you don't actually become a Death Eater." Harry said, voice bouncing around the walls in the dark, abandoned bathroom, echoing.
"No, I- You don't understand... I hate myself for having this mark, it reminds me so much of what I hate and-"
"You are not your father. You are not a Death Eater either." Harry stated firmly.
"I just want to get rid of this fucking hideous Mark..." Draco scowled, glaring at the inner part of his fore arm in disgust.

Harry took a step closer to Draco and touched his arm which sent a rush of warmth through his body. The Golden Boy massaged the area where his Dark Mark was softly and looked into the Slytherin's eyes.

"Draco, there's nothing we can do about this. I just want you to know that you are not a Death Eater and this mark doesn't mean anything."

Draco bit his lower lip as he looked away from Harry solemnly. Harry touched the blonde's cheek and kissed him on the forehead, having to go on the tip of his toes.

"I have to go now, Draco. I have detention with Snape. I'll see you later, yeah?" Harry smiled.

Draco grinned weakly back and then his lover left the bathroom. Draco walked to the sink and stared in the mirror.

"Death Eater..."
"Slytherin scum..."
"Voldemort follower..."
"Your father..."

The thoughts flowed into Draco's mind as he staggered back. He looked towards his Dark mark and anger took over him. He punched the mirror, blood slowly pouring out of his knuckles. The shards from the mirror flew onto the floor and around him.

Draco's hand shook as he stared at his bloodied hand. He looked around his surroundings and picked up a fairly large transparent piece of glass. Without hesitation he dug the sharp blade into his forearm with so much force that blood poured out like a stream. He hissed and whimpered in agony, though he did not stop. He carved his flesh around the Dark Mark with the weapon. The pain blinded him as he collapsed to his knees, crimson blood covering half of his entire arm. His vision grew blurry as he dropped the mirror shard.

Pain and exhaustion took over him, and he fainted.

"Draco!" Harry's voice rung. Where was he? He had checked everywhere that Draco could possibly be. He went to the boy's toilet, doubting he'd be there since it had been 2 hours since he last saw him there.

Harry swung open the door and his eyes widened in horror.

"Draco?" His panicked voice rung. He sprinted towards the collapsed boy. There was a small pool of blood around one of his arms that lay helplessly on the cold tiled floor. Draco's eyes were shut, face twisted in pain while sweating.

"Draco? Draco! Wake up! No... Draco?" Harry's cried. He couldn't be dead... surely? Harry checked his pulse by putting his hand to his chest. To his relief, there was a faint feeling of his heart drumming at an even pace against his hand.

"Draco, I'll be right back." he whispered frantically as he bolted out the bathroom. He wasn't sure where he was running to. Students in the corridors stared at him as he ran as fast as he could until he stopped in front of Professor Snape's office. Harry knew that Snape was Draco's godfather and knew many healing spells so he thought he would've been the best person to go to.

He bursted into Snape's office, startling the daylights out of him.

"Draco's hurt!" Harry panted.
"Hurt?" Snape lifted an eyebrow.
"He's... he's fainted and there's blood and-"

Snape needn't to hear anymore as he instructed Harry to lead the way. They hastily walked to the bathroom and when Harry swung open the door, Draco still lay there unmoving.

Harry jogged to where Draco lay and crouched down, examining him. He realized only the insides of his left forearm and his right hand's palm was only injured.

Did he do this to himself?

The thought haunted Harry. Snape crouched down next to Harry and placed the point of his wand on his bloodied arm and began to murmur something that Harry could not pick up.

Seeing the wound close up, Harry had realized it was a healing spell. Once Snape stopped muttering spells, he carried Draco bridal style.

"He must rest in the hospital wing." Snape stated. Harry nodded, still nervous and worried for his boyfriend.

Draco's eyes fluttered open as the warm rays from the sunlight blinded him. He squinted his eyes and sat upwards, looking around. He realized he was in the hospital wing. Draco looked at his forearm and it was bandages, so was his right hand.

"Draco?" Harry's familiar voice woke him from his haziness.
"Harry." he croaked.
"Oh, Draco, I was so scared." Harry sighed, kissing his forehead.
"I know, I'm sorry." Draco murmured.
"Why did you do that?" Harry asked, breath warm against the Slytherin's forehead.
"I-I don't know. I think I just hated the fact that the Dark Mark reminded me of everybody I hate and was afraid that I'd become like them." he confessed.
"You are nothing like a Death Eater and never will be." Harry said sternly. "Don't scare me with this shit again. I'm so so glad that you're okay."
"I'm sorry. I won't." Draco promised.
"Rest, Draco. Take a nap. I'll come back in a couple hours." he said.

Draco nodded and tilted his head up and kissed Harry on the lips sweetly. They explored the caves of each other's mouths, stuck in a trance by each others touch. They moved away from each other, Draco looking flushed and Harry blushing.

"I love you, Draco."
"I love me too." he joked.
"Glad to see your attitude's back." Harry rolled his eyes, gave him a quick peck on the cheek as he left the hospital wing.

The gray eyed boy grinned dumbly, forgetting about his Dark Mark.

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