Jealous boy - Fluff

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Draco gets jealous that Harry is getting a bit too friendly with a certain Hufflepuff.
Secret dating au
Fourth year!

Third Person POV:
Draco eyed Cedric and his boyfriend chat, supposedly about the Tri-wizard Tournament. He was still extremely pissed off that Harry had to compete. He was just a boy after all.

He crossed his arms, glaring irritably at the two boys from across the courtyard. Pansy was talking to him about something he could barely pay attention to until she noticed what was up.

"Ah, jealous, are you, Draco?" she smirked, tilting her head to the side a bit.

That seemed to knock Draco out of his angry thoughts. He looked at Pansy and rolled his eyes.

"Of course not. Why should I be jealous? They're just talking after all. Because humans talk. And they usually talk to each other, which is something called a conversation, which is what Diggory and Harry are doing. And-" Before Draco could continue rambling, Pansy pressed her index finger to his lips.

"I think you're jealous." she concluded, grinning smugly.
"Am not." Draco scowled, a second away from stomping his foot like a child.
"He definitely is. What do you think, Blaise?" she asked the tall, dark skinned boy.
"Definitely." he nodded, agreeing with the girl.

Draco huffed and rolled his eyes once more.

"I'm not bloody jealous! Especially of Diggory. Why should I be? He's just some pretty good looking, tall, stupid, weird Hufflepuff! He's nothing compared to me." he said, the Malfoy cockiness stepping in.
"Right... your glare says otherwise." Pansy responses, exasperated.

Before Draco could answer, Cedric crossed the line.

He had patted Harry's shoulder. He touched Harry. He touched Harry, his boyfriend.

Draco's face expression morphed into fury and anger as he watched Cedric smile at Harry and leave. How dare he?

"Uh oh, the bomb's about to go off." Pansy mumbled.
"H-How dare- How dare?! How dare he!" Draco gasped, clenching his fists. "And how could he let him touch him like that?!"
"Draco, you're being overdramatic once again. It was just a pat on the shoulder." Blaise murmured, crossing his arms.
"No it wasn't. He was basically throwing himself on Harry. He was flirting, obviously." Draco rolled his eyes.
"Wait, Draco-" But before Pansy could continue, he was already making his way over to Harry who was talking to Hermione.

Draco had an angry expression on his face, steam sizzling out of his ears. He basically stomped his way to where Harry was and turned him around.

"Dr- M-Malfoy." Harry said, stuttering slightly, remembering that they were in a secret relationship.
"Potter." Draco said bitterly, glaring daggers at him.
"What do you want?" Hermione's irritated voice said.
"Shut it, mud- Granger. I just need to speak to Potter. In private." he grit out.
"Fine..." Harry said skeptically. "'Mione, I'll be right back."

Hermione huffed but nodded. Draco pulled him by his sleeve to a deserted corridor, ignoring the glances students were shooting at them.

Once they were behind a corner, where they couldn't be seen, Draco narrowed his eyes scornfully at his boyfriend.

"Draco, what's your problem?" Harry huffed. "Are you mad?"
"Yes, Potter, I'm mad!"
"Oh, so we're using last names now?" Harry's eyebrows tugged together in annoyance.
"You don't get to be the one who's annoyed. It should be me! Why were you and Diggory openly flirting right in front of me?!" Draco over exaggerated dramatically.
"What? He- We weren't flirting." Harry said, puzzled.
"He touched you, Harry."
"The shoulder pat? Oh Gods, Draco..." Harry grumbled.

Harry stepped closer to Draco until their faces were inches away. Harry had to tilt his head upwards to see eye to eye, staring into his boyfriend's gray eyes. He reached up and placed a hand on his cheek and caressed his gently as his face softened, watching Draco's blush.

"You have nothing to worry about, Draco. I only have eyes on you." he said.
"I-I know that, obviously. I'm way better than anybody else in this school." Draco said, cheeks flushed.

Harry laughed softly, a beautiful sound that made Draco's heart flutter.

"No more than you though." Draco added, a small but genuine smile forming on his pale face.
"I've managed a compliment out of the Draco Malfoy? What an achievement." Harry grinned.
"Ah, but it would be impossible not to, darling." Draco hummed, leaning forward slightly.

Harry could feel his minty breath on his face. He had an urge to just lean forward...

"Can I... kiss you?" Harry asked, almost in a whisper.
"You don't need to ask for that." Draco murmured as they closed the distance between them. It ignited both boys' bodies on fire, butterflies in their stomach fluttering wildly.

After a short while, they pulled apart. It was such a short, ephemeral moment, but they were both out of breath, cheeks flushed pink.

"Draco, I love you." Harry said quietly, green eyes sparkling.
"I love you too, Harry."

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