The Yule Ball pt. 3 - Fluff

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Fourth year, continuation of previous parts.

Harry's POV:
This is absurd. Why do I feel this way about a bloke? It's... not normal to like the same gender, is it?

My feelings for Malfoy overwhelmed me very much, leaving me drowned in my thoughts. The way people stared at me made me incredibly apprehensive and uneasy.

I heard shoes clacking against the marble floor as somebody behind me cried my name. I spun around and saw Malfoy, looking immensely worried.

"I- Um, are you alright? Why'd you run out of the ball all of a sudden?" he asked.

Why would he care? Why the bloody hell does he sound worried about me?

I got angry and yelled, "Why do you pretend to care, Malfoy? I don't even know why we decided to go to the ball together! It was a vastly ridiculous idea."

He looked stunned as he stared at me.

I continued, "We're enemies, we hate each other's guts. And it should've stayed that way."

"Harry." Malfoy said sternly, but after a pause after my outburst.

I glared at him.

"What?" I said.
"What? Harry's your name, isn't it?" he questioned.
"You called me by my first name."
"Why would you do that?"
"I don't want to think of us as rivals anymore. I understand that I was a cruel and annoying child, but not so anymore.. I want to be friends with you. I hope that you'll forgive me." he apologized sincerely. "I also heard that friends call each other by their first name."

I gaped at him. Did Draco Malfoy just apologize to me? This feels like a lucid dream. Merlin, pinch me now...

I fidgeted, sinking my nails into my sweaty palms, not knowing what to say or do. My brain went absolutely blank. As if somebody were controlling me like a puppeteer, my body automatically leaned forward and our lips met. My mind screamed and my heart was about to leap out of my chest. I was ready for him to push me off and yell at me, but he did the opposite of what I expected him to do. He pulled me in more and kissed me back. I felt his slim hands slither to the back of my head and his fingers intertwined with my black locks. I fixed my hands on either side of his face and opened my mouth to welcome his tongue into me.

My mind could only think about this situation right now, and I kept silently screaming inside. When we finally separated our lips from each other, I immediately felt regret, wanting the moment to last forever.

"I'm sorry-" I gasped, feeling instant shamefulness.
"For what? I enjoyed the kiss." he admitted shyly.

After a few silent seconds pass, I speak up, "I'm sorry for leaving the ball in the middle. I felt anxious and overly nervous when everybody was staring at us."
"I understand how you feel. If you want to keep our relationship a secret, I wouldn't mind at all." Draco grinned.

I smiled, which is quite rare.

"I believe the ball has come to an end already. I'll see you tomorrow." I said.
"Right. Good night, Harry." he lifted my chin just a bit - and kissed my forehead gently. He then left me in the hallway where soon students began to flood quickly. I heard familiar voices shout my name not too far away.

"Mate! Where've you been? I've been worried because you just ran off like that." Ron said, still looking silly in his outfit.
"Yes, we were worried sick!" Hermione sighed.
"I'm fine, alright?" I said to assure them.
"What's with you and Malfoy anyway?" Ron asked.

I hesitated. I didn't want to tell my best mates that me and Draco Malfoy were in a relationship. They would go mad bonkers about it. I didn't feel comfortable telling them yet anyway.

"Um, a close friend." I answered.
"Why would you befriend the enemy?!" Ron hissed.
"Ron shut up. Harry, I'm glad you're making more friends." Hermione said. "But, you know, be careful."
"Thanks," I replied. "You guys back on talking terms?"

Hermione and Ron looked at each other, back to me, and nodded.

"Er, what happened with Krum?" I asked.
"Let's just say he's a bit of a twat." Hermione shook her head.
"Tell me the details in the morning." I smiled.
"Will do." she laughed warmly.

I and Ron headed to the dormitories and changed into our pajamas. It was very late so we just headed to bed right away. All I could think of before I drifted off into a dreamless slumber, was Draco.

End of  'The Yule Ball' triology! Thanks for reading.

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