The death of me - Angst

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TW: Suicide
8th year

Third Person POV:
Harry James Potter. An unlucky child, indeed he was. Lost his parents at 1, grew up in an abusive household for 10 years, faced death and conquered it every year. He stayed strong. But he finally fell when his best friends and soulmate died. He couldn't stay stronger. Not anymore.

The night he saw his two best friends laying down, eyes closed as their fingers were intertwined. They died a hero, two courageous Gryffindors who sacrificed themselves in the war. Afterwards, Harry saw with his own two eyes, Draco Malfoy allowing himself to be hit by the killing curse instead of Harry. Green eyes meeting grey for the last time as Draco Lucius Malfoy fell to the ground.

Hogwarts has won against Voldemort. They did it. Harry did it. He survived. But at what cost? Everything he loved. Every single person he ever cared for was dead.

Harry just couldn't take the pain anymore.

He climbed up the astronomy tower and walked towards the railing. He took off his muddy shoes and neatly aligned them in front of the metal bars before hopping over them, landing on the edge. He gripped the bar behind him for balance and so that he wouldn't fall.

Tears poured out of his eyes as he stared at the ground in the distance below him. He closed his eyes shut as he imagines how he would be with them. All reunited. He smiled at the thought.

He let go.

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