Princess - Smut

475 7 1

Feminizing, temporary genitalia change, eating out, begging, finger fucking, multiple orgasms, degrading.
Top Harry, Bottom Draco!

Third Person POV:
Harry removed his safety goggles off his face, sighing with exhaustion. He studied the liquid in the vial. It was a shimmering pink color that sparkled ever so slightly. He looked around his brewing room and saw spilt potions, ingredients, papers, et cetera. The place was an absolute mess. He hadn't had the time to tidy up for the past week, too focused on finishing making the potion.

The corner of Harry's mouth tugged up into a smirk at his accomplishment, he was fairly sure that this potion would work, as his calculations were never incorrect. He slipped the vial into his pant pocket cautiously as he stretched, every muscle in his body screaming.

He checked his wrist watch and it was 8 pm. Draco would be home any moment now, making Harry even more excited.

He couldn't wait to have fun with his boyfriend all night long...


"Harry, I'm home." Draco's voice echoed in their house.

Harry immediately rushed to the front door, taking Draco's coat and keys for him instead.

"What's wrong? What's the rush?" Draco asked, amused.
"I finally did it." Harry answered hastily with lustful eyes.
"Did what?"
"The potion." he hummed, carefully pulling the potion out of his pocket and the light from the ceiling light bounced off of the glass, creating a blinding shine.

Draco's eyes widened slightly.

"I didn't know you were serious about that!" Draco said, though he felt his erection grow larger by the minute.
"Well, I was. You're willing to try it out, right, Princess? You seemed so willing and excited at the idea of..." Harry's voice trailed off as he stepped closer, his hands taking a hold of Draco's waist. "...having a pussy."

Draco blushed at the nickname. Yup, he was hard. The idea was pleasing to him and he wanted nothing more than to give it a shot.

"Erm, alright. When will I start... changing?" Draco murmured, taking a hold of the vial between his pointer and thumb.
"Within a minute. It won't hurt." Harry said huskily, leaning in toward Draco's ear, making his partner shiver.

Draco unscrewed the top and drank it in one go. His nose scrunched at the slightly unpleasant taste, but it went away quickly. He felt Harry nipping at his neck, kissing and biting him gently, leaving marks.

Draco let our soft moans, placing the empty vial on the dresser next to him and putting his hands against Harry's chest. He let out a gasp when he felt his abdomen tickle slightly, but it wasn't uncomfortable or painful.

After a while of Harry playing with Draco's jawline and neck, Harry moved his hand toward Draco's lower half... He unbuckled his pants, rough and needy pants eliciting from their mouths.

Harry pulled off his boxers and saw it. The gorgeous, light pink shaded, shaved pussy. He let out an aroused groan, his penis hardening even more than before. He moved his pointer finger toward Draco's newly changed genitalia and rubbed it. Draco gasped and moaned at the touch, feeling sensitive already, even after just a couple seconds.

"You might feel more sensitive than usual, since this is your first time drinking this potion." Harry murmured, focused on drawing out whimpers of pleasure out of Draco.

Draco's breathing was raggedy and loud as his gray eyes stared at Harry's tanned finger rubbing at his clit. He bit his lip, muffling his moans as he felt his legs shake slightly.

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