They were right all along - Angst

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TW: Cursing

Harry's POV:
Everybody said Draco was not the one. Nobody seemed to understand the bond me and Draco had. My love for him was infinite and would sacrifice anything for him. Even my god fathers say I should be careful. Why couldn't anybody understand? I love him.

"I just don't want you hurt." Hermione sighs.
"He's not like that, so all of you can stop worrying." I say flatly.
"I know, I'm not accusing him or anything but, there's just something... off about him." she grimaces.
"I don't think so. I love him, and I want you to support us." I swallow.

Hermione hesitates.

"I know."

"Are you sure you love him?" Sirius asks me for like, the tenth time.
"Yes!" I say irritably.
"I- Okay. Whatever makes you happy." he weakly smiles at me. "But you must be careful. With the Dark Lord hunting you down, a heartbreak is the last thing you need."
"I won't get heartbroken. We love each other."

Everybody keeps warning me, saying Draco is dangerous, that I shouldn't trust him. I ignore them or yell at them. It doesn't matter what they think. I love him. Or should I say, loved?

I remember that I forgot one of my textbooks at the Slytherin dormitories so I go to fetch it. I see Draco, Pansy, and Blaise talking to each other in front of the dorms. I quickly hide behind the corner.

"Perfect. I'll break his heart, perfectly vulnerable for the Dark Lord to kill him." a familiar voices says triumphantly. Draco's.
"How has he not noticed yet? What an oblivious git." whom I'm assuming to be Pansy, giggles.
"The entire school saying Potter shouldn't trust me. But the stupid idiot did, which was perfect. I'll admit I was afraid that he may catch up soon. He's so stubborn, saying our love is infinite." he mimics, laughing.

My legs felt weak. They were right all along. Why hadn't I listened to everybody? That I should never have trusted Malfoy. What's wrong with me? I chose him over my own friends and family and love blinded me from reality. I run and run to the Gryffindor common rooms, tears brimming my eyes. I frankly don't care if they heard me around the corner. I'm done with him. I can't believe I've been.. manipulated for months. Driven away from everybody. I storm into the dormitories and find the Slytherin sweater that Malfoy had borrowed me. I forcefully grab it off the hanger and throw it against the wall. Furious tears leaked out of my eyes. I didn't feel heartbreak. I felt anger and betrayal. The picture frame on the night stand next to my bed included me and Draco smiling and embracing each other passionately. I get up and throw that against the wall too. The glass shattering ringed in my brain.

Soon, Hermione and Ron rush into the rooms to find me on my knees and crying into my hands. Angry tears rushed down my cheeks as I trembled.

"Harry-" Hermione says, touching me on the shoulder.
"I-I'm sorry." I whisper, my jaws clenching and teeth gritting. "You we're all right. All fucking along. And my dumb arse- chose that insufferable bastard instead-"
"How did you find out he was a bad person?" Hermione approaches.
"Eavesdropped on him and his sick friends." I choke. "Said he was going to break my heart soon so Voldemort can kill me while I'm vulnerable."
Ron crouches down next to me and rubs me on the back reassuringly.

"Hey love-"
"We're done." I say hoarsely, my voice still raspy from the crying yesterday.
"What?" he looks absolutely dumbfounded.
"I caught on."
"You did, have you now?" his face turned into a mocking sneer.

Soon other students gathered around and stared at us. I notice Hermione biting her nails out of nervousness.

"You know what? Fuck you, you absolutely sick bastard." I scowl furiously and ran past the crowd of gaping students. Tears found a way to my eyes again, as I ran and ran. I wasn't even sure where I was going. My legs led me outside of Hogwarts and then halted in front of Sirius's manor. I hesitantly went up to the large gateway and entered it. I walked up to the front door and knocked on it twice. After a few seconds, the door creaked open.

"Harry! Aren't you supposed to be in school?" Remus answers the door.
"Yeah- I.. just wanted to say- you know what? Can I just come in?" I ask. I needed to tell Sirius.
"Of course, come in." he smiles.

I walk into the manor and see Sirius in the sitting room, reading the daily prophet in his armchair.

"Sirius, you were right. Everybody was right, I wasn't." I cry.
"Malfoy! He's- a fucking death eater." I gasp.
"Just as I expected." he said lowly, sighing. "At least you came to your senses."
"I ended things with him." I nodded. "It just furinates me how he manipulated me and I fell right in his trap, even when people were telling me 24/7 he was not to be trusted. I'm, so sorry. I should've listened to you, Hermione, Ron, my friends,"my voice trails off.

He gets up the armchair and puts his hand on my shoulder and grips it a bit. He then pulls me into a hug. A hug that I needed. I hug him back. I learnt my lesson. Never trust a Malfoy.

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