Death eater - Angst

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6th year

Third Person POV:
"Look, I don't know why you're acting like this. You've been such an attitude lately and I just want to know. So I can help you."
"I don't. Want. Help. Harry." Draco grit.
"Maybe you don't want it. But you need it." Harry responded.
"You don't- don't understand!" Draco choked out. His eyes were glossy as his fists clenched.

There was a pause of silence, until Harry spoke.

"Show me your left arm."

Draco was stunned. Absolutely stunned.

"You... you think I'm a death eater? Because of my family?" he gasped, trying to sound extremely upset and shocked.
"No! I wasn't accusing-"
"Yes, you were." Draco bit harshly.
"I mean, if you aren't, it shouldn't be a problem to show me your arm." Harry said honestly.

Draco wasn't sure what to say.

"This isn't working out."

Blood ran cold in Harry's body. His arms went limp, knees weak.

"What? What are you implying?!"
"We should break up." Draco murmured. He tried his best to ignore the stab of pain in his heart.
"No! I'm sorry, I should've never accused you! I would never think that." Harry begged.

It's not because of that. I'm afraid I'll be the reason you'd get hurt. I want to protect you. The only way to do so is to distance myself from you as far as possible.

Draco shook his head.

"I'm sorry."
"Please don't leave." Harry pleaded, tears leaking out of his piercing green eyes. "Why? Why are you leaving me? After all this time? Just why?!" Harry said, his voice growing angrier.
"My feelings for you aren't the same as they used to be." Draco lied. His entire body ached. It hurt so much to say this sentence.

Dead silence.

"Guess I can't control who you love." Harry spoke. "If that's.. that's what you truly wish, I respect that. I'll miss our time together."

Draco's eyes turned slightly red at his attempts to not cry in front of his ex-boyfriend.

"You know, if you ever need help, I'm here." Harry said drily. And with that, he walked away, leaving a heartbroken Slytherin behind. When he vanished out of sight, Draco broke down to tears. He fell to his knees and clutched his chest, crying his heart out. Tears kept falling down his cheeks and onto the cobblestone ground. He wanted to take back everything he said. He wished he never had this stupid dark mark. Because if he didn't have it, they'd still be the joyful couple they always were.

At this point, his mind went blank. All he could do was cry. He felt paralyzed and that he only thing he'd ever do in his life would cry from now on. It hurt so much, it hurt more than the Cruciatus  curse.

But it was for the best. Harry's safety is now ensured now that he's away from Draco. A death eater. He basically betrayed Harry by becoming one behind his back. He was now Voldemort's supporter, while Harry was the dark lord's biggest enemy. Draco was now torn away from his ex-boyfriend.

Things will never be the same.

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