Letter - Fluff

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First year Draco and Harry, Lily and James are still alive

Third Person POV:
Harry and Draco were sitting together at the great hall, ignoring everybody who was staring at Draco for sitting at the Gryffindor table instead of his own house's table. Soon, dozens of owls come flying in from the windows dropping letters and packages onto the tables. An envelope floated in front of Harry. He beamed with excitement and ripped it open. He read the letter and smiled.

"Another letter from your parents?" Draco asked.
"Yeah." Harry grinned. He noticed that there was not a single letter in front of his friend.
"Why don't your parents ever write to you?"

Draco's heart plummeted. Why won't they? He writes to them everyday but never a response in return.

"I... I don't know. I always write to them but they never send anything back." he sniffed.
"I'm sure they'll write to you soon." Harry smiled.
"No... your parents respond to every single letter you send but mine probably throw them away as soon as they receive it." Draco said, pain stabbing at his chest. Harry looked at him sorrowfully. He never realized how much his parents didn't have time for him. He then had an idea.


"Hermione, can you write a letter for me?"
"Why me? Why can't you do it?"
"Because you know how to do that fancy, cursive writing." Harry huffed.
"Okay.... But for who?"

Harry leans in to whisper into Hermione's ear. She hesitates but agrees to write it. Harry tells her what to write and she jots it down onto the parchment carefully before sealing it inside the envelope.


Dozens of owls of all kinds of breeds soared through the great hall and dropping packages and more letters. Yet again, Harry's parents had written another long message to him. Draco still looked around for the family owl even though he knew very well there wasn't a single letter that was for him. When Draco wasn't looking, Harry flicked the letter Hermione wrote in front of him.

"Dray! Look! It's a letter for you!" Harry exclaimed.
Draco's face lit up with excitement. He took a good look at the envelope before cautiously tearing it open. He didn't want to ruin the possibly only letter he would ever receive during his time at Hogwarts. He slid the letter out with shaking hands and read through the writing.

Dear Draco

I apologize for not writing to you sooner. Your mother and I were vastly busy. I hope you understand and that you are doing well and behaving in Hogwarts. Congratulations for making it into Slytherin. We are very proud of you, my son. We shall try our best to write to you more frequently. We love you.

Sincerely, your mother and father

Draco read through the letter again and again until tears brimmed his eyes. He gripped the used parchment tightly and hugged it. Harry smiled and patted him on the back.

End of first year

"Mum, dad!" Harry cried as he sprinted off the Hogwarts express to embrace his parents.
"We missed you so much, my little lion." Lily murmured into his hair.
"I did too." he giggled.

Draco stepped off the train, looking around for his parents. Lucius and Narcissa were both near the back wall of the station. He ran to them and hugged both of them at once.

"What did I say about hugging?" Lucius grumbled.
"S-Sorry father. Thank you for taking your time to write all those letters to me at Hogwarts!" Draco beamed.

Lucius looked at Harry who was smiling at him. He gave a small appreciative grin back.

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