Potions - Fluff

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Year 3

Third Person POV:
"You're supposed to put the bean juices in, not the entire thing you twat!" Draco growls.
"No, you're supposed to put 4 beans in!" Harry shoots back.
"Yeah, juices of 4 BEANS you dimwit!"
"Nowhere in the instructions does it say that." the Gryffindor seethes.
"I've made this potion loads of times and if you don't want the cauldron to blow up, do as I say!"

Harry scowls at the Slytherin. He empties the cauldron with the flick of his wrist. He adds magical liquids to the cauldron until it's a bubbling purple color.

"No! that's not how you're supposed to squeeze them!" Draco spits harshly.
"What the bloody hell do you mean? I'm squeezing them you idiot!" Harry retorts.

Draco sighs furiously and goes behind Harry, waists against each other. He reaches out in front of him and guides his hands to cutting them diagonally. Harry's face flushes a deep red color but made no angry protests.

The entire class watched them, giggles and whispers erupting. Even Snape glared at the two boys.

"That's how you're supposed to do it." Draco rolls his eyes. "You cut them diagonally and squeeze the juices out of each separate piece. Then you can get the most juices out of it."
"Y-Yeah whatever." Harry stammers, still blushing.


"Stupid Malfoy thinks he knows better than anyone." Harry grits his teeth. "Stupid Slytherin. Stupid beautiful hair and eyes. Stupid handsome face!"

Ron and Hermione just listens to his rambles about Draco Malfoy, but most of it just being about his handsome face and muscly figure.


"Saint Potter." Draco spits.
"You like him though!" Pansy giggles.
"No the hell I don't." Draco lies, grumbling.
"Yes you do!~"
"No I don't, shut up!" he blushes madly.

Everybody in Hogwarts knew that they romantically loved each other. They both continued to deny their love for each other, too shy to confess their feelings first. Until Harry James Potter, the boy who lived, grew confidence one day.


"Malfoy!" Harry strutted towards him and his gang of Slytherins. They let out oohs and smirks.

"What is it, Potter?" Draco rolled his eyes, trying to hide his small tint of blush that formed on his cheeks.

"I want to talk to you." the boy said sternly, fidgeting.

Draco was apprehensive but nodded. He told his friends that he would catch up soon and followed Harry.

They soon entered an empty corridor and Draco suddenly pinned Harry to the wall. The ravenette's breathing hitched, flushed.

"M-Malfoy what-"
"Shut up Potter."

He then crashed their lips together fiercely. Their tongues danced and saliva mixed, the kiss turning into a heated make out session. Harry had his arms wrapped around his neck, whining and moaning softly into Draco's mouth.

They panted for air, both hairs ruffled and messy. Draco nipped at Harry's earlobes as the smaller male whined quietly.

"I love you, scarhead."
"I..I love you too."

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