Embarassment - Fluff

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3rd year

Third Person POV:
"Ow- Sirius stop it! You're embarrassing me..." Harry muttered as he got hugged to death by his godfather. His face was flushed with red due to embarrassment as kids around his snickered.
"I'll miss you." Sirius choked, sniffling dramatically.
"I promise I'll send owls." Harry huffed. "Now can you stop hugging me? Everybody is staring."
"Why? Are you embarrassed that your godfather is hugging you? Oh, Harry, you wound me sometimes."

Harry laughed at that.

"Oh- Sirius, I gotta go now. The train leaves in 10 minutes." Harry said, checking his watch.
"Sure you packed everything?" Remus asked.
"Yes." Harry sighed. "That's like the fourth time you asked that today." he grumbled.
"Alright. We'll see you for Christmas." Remus replied, squeezing Harry's shoulder.

Sirius was a crying mess as he sobbed into Remus's shoulder. More people started to stare.

"Oh my god." Harry muttered, slapping his forehead with his palm. "Okay I'm going now!"
"You forgot to say something!" Sirius shouted as Harry boarded the train.
"Sirius not here!" Harry hissed.
"You're not boarding that train until you say it."
"... I love you." Harry whispered after a while.
"Oh my god- I love you!" Harry basically yelled.

Other Hogwarts students began to laugh out loud.

"Love you too, Pup." Sirius smiled.

Harry smiled back.

The young boy boarded the Hogwarts Express, dragging his trunk and owl cage behind him. After some time, Harry's head popped out of the window. He waved at his godparents as the train began to move. Sirius began to sob once more as Remus returned his wave.

Once the train left the station, Harry pulled his head back in and sighed.

"That was cute." his boyfriend, Draco Malfoy hummed.
"Oh shove off." Harry murmured, looking out the window.

Another year at Hogwarts. What adventure awaits him next?

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