Torture - Smut

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Toys, torture-like overstimulation, pain kink
Bottom Harry, top Draco

Harry's POV:
The vibrator stuck in my loosened ass doesn't stop. I felt pleasure everywhere... mostly my dick. Draco, my sadistic boyfriend watched me as he messily stroked his cock.

I sat on an uncomfortable wooden chair. My legs were spread apart and I didn't dare close them, because I know I would be punished for doing what I wasn't told to do.

"Let me cum! Please!-" I choke as a tear slips down my cheek.
"You'll only cum after me." he says lowly. His face his red and sweaty, meaning he was close to my relief.

Not after a while, he shot his semen all over my body as he groaned. I immediately came right after as I wailed from the pleasure.

He doesn't take out the toy out of my arse. He just continues to watch me like a sex-crazed animal. After maybe a minute or two, the pleasure disappeared. It was only pain. The vibrator buzzed against my prostate directly, making it numb. It felt like my prostate was being quite literally HAMMERED.

My legs shook extremely violently. I had a hard time keeping them open for Draco.

"Does it hurt, baby?" Draco hums, pouring wine into a glass before taking a small sip from it and lowering it onto the table next to him.

I nod frantically. No words are able to come out of my drooling mouth.

"Aww. But you like pain, don't you?" he teases.

He was right. I had a pain kink.

He comes closer to me and lifts my legs onto each arm rest. My arse being abused was on perfect display for him. I felt so hot. It hurt so fucking bad but I loved it at the same time... like I couldn't get enough of it.

He picked up a remote that was next to the glass of wine on the table. I heard a few clicks and I felt the vibrator buzz even rougher making me scream.

"P-Please! T-Take it out sir!" I beg. It seems to turn him on.

My prostate was abused so badly to the fact I couldn't feel any pleasure at all.

Draco seems to take pity on me and takes the vibrator out, but doesn't turn it off. I sigh with relief as I just sat there with my legs spread.

Draco's POV:
Torturing Harry is what I love. I love hearing his screams and desperate begs.

I carry him bridal style and position him against the wall so that his ass was presented to me. It was such a fucking hot position. It was obvious my baby was having a hard time standing up as his legs trembled.

I position my dick against his wet arse and shove a few of my fingers into his mouth. He obediently sucks without me telling him to like the well-behaved slut he is.

I reach out in front of him and push the still operating vibrator to the top of his cock gently. He let outs a squeal as he moans. His knees are grinding against each other as he forced himself to not fall down.

I shove my large cock into him. He lets out a loud whine. I begin to thrust in and out of him harshly, not waiting for him to adjust to the torture I was giving him. He was holding onto the wall in front of him for dear life as he wailed and cried with a mix of pleasure and pain.

I stretched my arm towards the table and grabbed the remote and clicked a few more buttons so that the vibrator was on the highest setting. I throw it far away so it's unreachable from here. I press the vibrator harder against the tip making him sob. I hammer his slutty arse, listening to his string of moans and screams.

After a few minutes, I came into his arse. He cums too, letting out a slight whine. I drop the vibrator onto the floor from exhaustion and I slip out of his entrance. He slides down against the wall until his arse was up in the air and his upper body was against the floor.

I limp over to the table once more to grab a camera and then take a picture of his lewd position. I angled it so that you could clearly see dirty cum dripping out of his drilled arsehole.

"What do you say for this delightful experience?" I ask hoarsely.
"T-Thank you s-sir." he says tiredly.

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