Doctors - Angst/Fluff

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Child AU! (9 years old)

Third Person POV:
Harry merrily skipped into the forest where he would usually visit every day at the same time. He would always go to the creek where he would meet his friend.

Harry was greeted by the fresh air that had a slight breeze that pushed his front hair gently away from his forehead. He heard the faint sound of water splashing against smooth rocks and birds chirping a lovely tune. Furry animals would scurry here and there, nibbling on nuts scattered around on the dirt.

"Draco!" Harry shouted.

Harry looked around but couldn't seem to find his friend. He heard very soft sniffling behind a large jungle tree. He cautiously crept towards it and saw Draco crouching near the roots of the giant tree, sobbing, face between his knees and his arms hugging his legs.

"Are... Are you alright?" Harry asked, sitting down next to him. The leaves under him crackled as he did so.

Draco didn't answer, and ignored him.

"Oh.. Did your dad hurt you again?" Harry asked gently.

Draco nodded slightly and wiped the tears around the brim of his gray eyes with his sleeve.

Harry felt sympathy for him and hugged him. Draco accepted the warm embrace and softened.

"I have an idea." Harry smiled at him. "Let's play doctors!"
"D-Doctors?" Draco repeated hesitantly, confused by the new word.
"It's like, a healer but in the muggle world, I suppose!" Harry explained. "I'll be the doctor and you can be the patient. I'll fix you up so you're not hurt anymore."
"Okay!" Draco giggled a bit.

Harry hoisted himself up and gathered a few leaves and a dirty piece of thin rope he had found.

"Where does it hurt?" Harry questioned.
"Um... everywhere." Draco mumbled.
"Where does it hurt the most?"
"M-My arm?" the blonde replied.

Harry nodded and began to work. He wrapped a couple of the leaves around his forearm so it kind of resembled a large bracelet and kept it in place by tying them up with Draco's forearm with a dirty rope.

"How do you feel?" Harry grinned.
"I-I feel great. T-Thanks." Draco blushed.
"The sun's going down. I have to go home for dinner or else mum will be worried." Harry said, getting up from the ground.
"Alright, I'll see you here again tomorrow, Harry!" Draco smiled.

Harry nodded and hugged him one last time. Draco's face turned red and hot. Harry ran towards the direction to his home, leaving Draco full of butterflies fluttering around inside of him.

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