Train ride - Smut

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8th year
Overstimulation, degrading

Third Person POV:
Harry entered the compartment with his boyfriend. Draco set their trunks on the upper deck above the seats.

Harry had a bulge in his trousers and he needed to get rid of it. He bit his lip. They could get caught having sex on a train but he didn't care. He wanted to satisfy his needs desperately.

Without thinking, he lunged at Draco and smothered him with kisses. The blonde was caught off guard and was confused for a second but kissed back passionately.

"Woah." he murmured against Harry's lips. "Here?"
"Please- I can't wait." Harry gasped.
"If you're sure."

Draco pushed his boyfriend against the compartment door and undressed him, starting from the top. Once he was fully naked, panting and blushing furiously, Draco's boner grew even harder.

This was humiliating for Harry. People could see them have sex from the outside easily. He whimpered when Draco started to lick at his neck. It also embarrassed him how the dom was dressed and he was bare naked.

Once he was marked from neck to chest, Draco's fingers hovered around Harry's cock.

"T-Touch me." Harry pleaded.
"My my... Where are your manners?" Draco hummed. His thumb touched the tip, then the rest of his fingers stroking his cock slowly. Harry's legs trembled furiously as he held back moans.

Draco stopped. He gripped his cock instead. Harry bit his lip to stop himself from letting out a scream.

"Who am I?" Draco growled.
"Fuck- Dra-"

Draco's grip tightened.

"That's right, Slut. Do you want to cum?"
"Y-Yes god please let me!-" Harry cried as Draco's hand started to move faster.

Just when Harry was about to release Draco removed his hand. The shorter male let out a whine as he glared at his lover. Draco sat down on the couch, legs spread.

"You'll cum on my cock only." he said sternly. "Sit on my lap."

Harry obeyed and sat so that his back was facing Draco.

"Ride me like the bitch in heat you are."
"N-No prep?"
"You'll be just fine without it. Now go on. Ride me, Slut."

Harry lifted himself up and pushed his arse against Draco's large, fat cock. He squeezed his eyes shut as he felt the cock tearing his asshole wide open. After what felt like an hour, he was fully speared on his boyfriend's dick.

Once he calmed down he began to lift himself up and drop down. Harry let out a small high pitch cry. It felt so good, yet it hurt so bad. He began to bounce like crazy, not stopping when Draco's cock hit his prostate. He bit his arm to muffle his moans. Soon, he grew tired, thighs cramping.

"Aw... is my Whore tired?" Draco cooed.

He spread Harry's thighs and thrusted upwards into him, the tip hitting his already abused prostate expertly. Harry couldn't help but let out a wail of pleasure. Draco continued to thrust with no mercy, hands keeping his shaking legs spread open so he doesn't close them. Tears sprung to Harry's eyes as he desperately tried to grab onto something.

Without warning, Harry came, arching this back beautifully. Draco pulled his messy hair back, scowling.

"You came without my permission." Draco hissed.
"I-I'm sorry M-Master." Harry cried as he was forced to sit on Draco's cock as Draco held him down by his hips.
"You'll have to make it up to me. Do you understand me you filthy whore?"
"Y-Yes Sir!" Harry gasped.

Draco thrusted into him at a bruising pace, not slowing down at Harry's overstimulated cries and whimpers. He decided to torture his sub by jerking him off at the same time. Harry's legs shook terribly as Draco marked his back and shoulder.

"A-Ah.. Draco I- fuck!" Harry hissed.
"Shush, Love. People will hear you. We don't want that do we hm?"

Harry felt his prostate go numb because of how many times Draco's cock stabbed at it without stopping. He let out a squeal when Draco released inside with him, groaning.

Harry couldn't stop shaking as he came for the second time.

"You did so well for me." Draco murmured into his ear and he nibbled at his earlobe.

Harry's chest heaved as he fought to catch his breath.

Draco carefully lay him on the couch, using a spell to clean up the compartment and themselves shortly after. They cuddled until the reached the school.

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