Kitten - Fluff

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TW: Death mentions

Harry's POV:

I returned to Hogwarts to graduate after the war. Gallons of blood were spilled and the rotting stench of corpses still lingered in the air. We had won the war. But at what cost? Many people died. Because of me. Voldemort wanted to kill me. But people got in the way to help me. They ended up dying. Especially Draco. My Love.

I was walked up the stairs until I saw a group of girls squealing over something. I pushed past them and I saw.. a kitten. It was very lithe and had a pure white pelt and unusual gray eyes. For a second, I thought it was blind. It hissed and spat at any of the girls who tried to tame it. When it laid its gray eyes on me it mewled happily, jumping up and down. I crouched and it rubbed its fluffy cheek on my finger, purring loudly. A lot of girls awed at the behavior. I wasn't a cat person but, something about this kitten made my heart... warm.

I carried it back to the Gryffindor dormitory where Ron and Hermione were, fighting about something. Again.

"What is that?" Hermione says, turning her attention to me and then the purring kitten.

"Shh!" I hushed her. I place it on a warm blanket near the fire place where it squirmed to get warm.

"Blimey Harry, where'd you get a cat?" Ron says.
"It was on the staircase."
"On the staircase?" Hermione echoes.
"Harry, we need to find the owner!" Hermione says.
"There wasn't a collar on him." I reply.
"Well you can't just keep the cat, can you?" Ron adds in.
"Why not?"
"Well, he's not yours." he shrugs.

I picked the ball of fur up which mewled and squirmed in my gentle grasp. It opened its eyes and the dull gray color was visible again.

"Merlin's beard! Is it blind?" Ron gasped.
"Nah." I reply.
"It looks a lot like.." Hermione begins and cuts her next word.
"Draco." I whisper. "Draco.. that's what I'll name him!" I exclaim.

I thought Hermione was going to lecture me that I shouldn't keep Draco but she just glanced and Ron then turned her gaze to Draco, looking sympathetic.

Draco meowed happily at the new name.

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