Tri-wizard Tournament - Fluff/Angst

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Year 4

Harry's POV:
"HARRY POTTER!" Dumbledore's voice boomed.

I was glued to the bench, jaws clenched shut. My pupils dilate and I'm too scared to breathe. Hermione nudges me and urges me to go on. I hesitantly and unwillingly get up, and I glance at Draco who was staring at me with fear and confusion.

I enter the door to find the three champions in a well-furnished room.

"Vat iz it? Do zey need uz back?" Fleur Delecour asks me in a heavy French accent. This was utterly humiliating. She thought I was the messenger boy!

Dumbledore and the two other headmasters and mistress, Moody, Barty Crouch, Snape, and Professor McGonagall entered behind me.

"Did you put your name on the Goblet of Fire, Harry?" Dumbledore asks me calmly.
"N-No sir!" I reply frantically.
"Did you ask an older student?"
"No sir!"
"And you're absolutely sure?"
"Y-Yes sir!" 
"Obviously eez lying!" Madam Maxine retorts but was ignored.
"Barty, what do you think we should do?" Dumbledore approaches.
"We have no choice but to let him compete." Barty sighs.


"I-I'm scared." I stutter, gripping Draco's hand tightly.
"You'll be fine. You're the most amazing and courageous person I have ever met." he murmurs.
"I have to fight a bloody dragon!" I exclaim. "I'll be dead within 5 minutes." I groan.
"Don't say that. I promise that everything'll be alright. You can do this, My Love."


"You were amazing, Harry!" Draco sighs as he pulls me in for a tight embrace. I'm still trembling from the challenge. I barely made it. I couldn't have done it without Hermione, and Draco for encouragement.

"Are you alright?" he asks me worriedly. I nod my head slightly but I don't say anything. He grasps both my hands and kissed them. The butterflies in my stomach begin to flutter, feeling my face grow hot and red. He smiles at me. God, his smile was just so... beautiful. He lifts my chin up gently and slightly leans in for a warm kiss. I truly felt happiness throughout my body. I kiss him back passionately. It wasn't a heated makeout, however. It was just a short peck on the lips.

"I love you. I trust you to do well on the second task." he grins at me.


I get pushed into the water. It was impossible to breathe and it felt like the Gillyweed was choking me. I thrashed around in the ice-cold water, and I felt... weird. The pain around my throat had stopped, but.. gills had formed on the sides of my neck. My feet and hands were webbed and I could breathe underwater. The cold water didn't feel as chilly anymore.

I make it past the Grindylows and I find 4 people tied by their ankles with a rope. Draco, Hermione, Cho, and a girl I haven't seen before. I'm guessing it's Fleur's relative, possibly sister, by looking at her shiny, platinum-blonde hair. I hesitate. I know deep down that Draco is the one that I am supposed to save but I feel uneasy and guilty about leaving Hermione. 

I try to untie them both but several merpeople threaten my neck with their spear and hissed, "Only take one."                                                                                                                                                              "But she's my friend too!" I gasp.                                                                                                                             "Only one." they scowled harshly again and swam away.

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