Sacrificial Protection - Angst

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Hey guys, sorry for not uploading for the past like, several months. I didn't have any motivation but now I do at 3 am on a Sunday!! I'm so sorry once again but I hope you guys enjoy this oneshot! This one doesn't really make sense but just pretend it does lol. BTW TYSM FOR 10K READS AHHHHH

During the war/Seventh year

"Draco, you know I was destined to die." Harry whispered softly. "Please, let go of my wrist."
"No, I won't let you go. There's going to be another way to..." Draco's trembling voice trailed off, desperately searching for the next words to complete his unfinished sentence.
"Draco... The people I love died for me. I won't let their deaths be in vain, and I won't let more innocent people die because of me." Harry said in a shaky voice. "I must go now, he's waiting for me. Draco, I love you. I love you so much. Please don't forget that. Please let me go, I have to do this. I was born to do this. Draco, please..." he choked, his attempts to gasp for air resulting in him tearing up.

Draco's grip tightened around Harry's left wrist, refusing to loosen his grasp. He stared at the Gryffindor in pained agony and fear, not wanting to accept the fact that Harry would die today.

"No, fuck this Harry! Stop. Just stop, I won't let you go. I-I can't. Please don't go. Don't leave me. You're the only person that... that's made me feel loved." Draco begged. "We'll think of a solution..."
"Draco, I love you. M-May I kiss you?" Harry asked, staring back, head tilted slightly upwards to look into his lover's stormy gray eyes.

Draco let out a sob that was stuck in his sore throat, loosening his grip completely and placed both his hands on either side of Harry's face. Harry did the same and kissed him with tender love and sweetness, not rushed at all. It wasn't wet or sloppy, it was delicate and gentle and full of genuine love. Time slowed for the two boys as they got lost in each other. The sounds of screaming people, the parts of Hogwarts castle collapsing or rumbling, the sound of wizards and witches from both sides firing curses and spells muffled.

After a long moment, Harry pulled away, afraid if he didn't pull away now he might have never. Harry looked at Draco affectionately and lovingly, never wanting to tear his eyes off the beautiful Slytherin boy.

"Draco, I love you so much."
"Harry!" Draco cried out when Harry ran into the forest without looking back.

Harry squeezed his eyes shut and tried to block out Draco's yells and cries as he ran with all his strength. Being light, he was fast on his feet so he ran until he physically couldn't. He halted to a stop ad he struggled to catch his breath. Once he did so, he looked around and saw trees that loomed over him, almost blocking the moonlight from the night sky making it vastly dark.

"Harry Potter." a raspy voice came from in front of him.

Harry squinted his eyes and to his expected horror, there stood Voldemort and his piercing red eyes that shone. A couple Deatheaters followed behind the tall, hideous man.

"Harry? Harry! No... What are you doing here?!" Hagrid's voice cried. He was tied up and had injuries here and there as a Deatheater pushed him to stagger forwards.
"Quiet!" A Deatheater hissed.

Harry glared at Voldemort with fake courage, knowing that he could smell his fear.

"The Boy who Lived has come to die." Voldemort said softly.

He then lifted his arm and pointed his wand directly at Harry. Harry was scared. He was so scared out of his mind adrenaline rushed through his body as his pupils dilated intensely. He had wanted to die many times before, but now when he was faced with death right in front of him, his will to live grew.

This is it. I'm going to die... I should've died 16 years ago. I shouldn't be afraid of my overdue death, and I'm not. But what scares me the most is that I'll leave Draco, Ron and Hermione. I didn't even get to say goodbye to my best friends. I'm sorry.

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