Deja vu? - Angst + Fluff

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Alive Potter and Jegulus angst

Third Person POV:
"I'll see you next week, Mon Chérie." Draco said, kissing Harry's cheek.
"It was a delight having you over for dinner. Please do come again." Lily smiled at him.
"Of course Mrs. Potter. Thank you for you and your husband's hospitality." Draco said kindly.

James was stuck in his own world. Mon Chérie. A nickname that he was very familiar with. What Regulus called him when they used to date.


"I'm going to give you the world when we get married, Mon Amour." Regulus murmured as he kissed James's cheek. James laughed and a small blush crept upon his face.
"You sap. I love you." James exhaled.
"I love you too, Mon Chérie."

And the Slytherin and Gryffindor kissed like nobody was watching.


Oh, Regulus..

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