The Yule Ball - fluff

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Fourth year

Harry's POV:

'Champions are required to have a dance partner for the Yule Ball' ? What kind of a bloody stupid rule is that? Finding a dance partner won't be difficult, but however, learning how to dance will. I've already asked Cho but she's already going with Cedric, which was a bit embarrassing asking her in the first place. Ginny would have been my second option but she's going with Neville. And Hermione's going with Krum. Girls have been asking me all day but for some reason, my mouth said no. I'm now desperate. I need to find a dance partner by tomorrow, and I can't. I thought this would be easy but my dumb arse keeps rejecting every possible dance partner I could take! I felt frustrated. I never wanted to be a part of this entire tournament anyways. I'll have to dance in front of half the school which is going to be humiliating, including the fact I am absolutely terrible at it. 

I'm one of the only students who hasn't found a date yet. The boy who bloody lived with no date for the Yule Ball. 

I took a stroll around the entire school, searching and scanning for somebody that would be worthy to be my dance partner. As I expected, failed. I did ask Parvati and Padma, but they were going together as sisters. 

I was on the verge of giving up until I bumped into somebody unexpected. 


"Malfoy." I greeted, trying not to put a tone of hatred into my voice. Another argument with Malfoy was not necessary right now. 

"No date, I see? Pathetic." he laughed smugly.

"Do you have one then?" I say with annoyance, raising my voice.

He did not respond. 

"Nobody would want to go with a stupid, vile bully like you." I grit my teeth.


"Yes, nobody." I echoed. 

"Not even you?" 

It felt as if he had just punched me. It was so unexpected that I did not know what to say to him. Was he asking me to go to the Yule Ball with him? Impossible. Mental. 

"What?" I exhale. 

He looked at my eyes directly with his grey irises. They reminded me of the moon, or mercury now that I think about it. Malfoy has stunning eyes...

"Nevermind." he says, looking embarrassed as he breaks eye contact. He hesitates to walk away but I call his last name. 

"Malfoy. I.. appreciate you for asking me. I wouldn't mind going with you." I say quitely. I couldn't force myself to speak up. I felt... small.

He nodded politely, looking a bit shocked but hid it well. He walked away without another word. I had to process what just happened. Malfoy asked me to go to the Yule Ball with him. Malfoy. His name did not leave my mind. It was engraved into my heart and brain. After a while, it hit me. I developed feelings for one of my enemies. Malfoy. Draco Malfoy.


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