Meet my parents - Fluff

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Harry meets Draco's parents!!!!!! A year after the war. Draco has not seen his parents during the time.

Third Person POV:
"He's going to eat my face." Harry said, looking worried.
"No he won't." Draco said assuringly.

Yes he will. Draco added to himself in his mind.

"He hates me."
"No he doesn't."

Yes he does.

"Are you sure?" Harry asked, swallowing.


"How do I look?" the raven-haired boy asked, doing a slow 360 degree turn. He was wearing a sleek, crimson-colored suit. He wore a black button up shirt with the same dark-colored tie, a crimson vest, and a slim suit jacket over everything. Draco himself wore a fine black suit. Every layer of clothing he wore was dark, not a single hue of color other than black visible.

(Harry's suit)

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(Harry's suit)

(Draco's suit)

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(Draco's suit)

"You look breathtaking." Draco complimented him genuinely, grabbing Harry's hand and rubbing gentle circles on his palm softly.
"You too." Harry said, grinning.
"Alright, you ready to go in?" Draco asked as he put a grip on the old, Victorian doorbell.


Draco nodded, pulling the handle of the doorbell and knocked the metal on the wood, creating a loud banging sound. He did it a couple times, stepped back and waited.

After a very short while, somebody opened the door. It was Narcissa Malfoy, Draco's mother. She wore a joyful expression as she beamed.

"Hello, mother." Draco smiled, hugging her.
"Hello, Dragon." She returned the embrace before pulling back. She laid her twinkling eyes on Harry who looked ready to explode with anxiety.
"Hello, Mrs. Malfoy." Harry greeted politely, forcing confidence in his tone.
"Ah, you must be Harry! I almost didn't recognize you." she replied, scanning his beautiful red suit with a look full of approval.
"I'm sorry, maybe I should've brought a gift. Excuse me." Harry apologized, shame burning him.
"No, it's quite alright! No need to worry at all," she immediately responded reassuringly. "Please, come in, you two! Lucius is waiting inside."

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