He died two times - Angst

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More angst... I just love angst sm, sorry
During the war

Third Person POV:
"Harry Potter. The Boy Who Lived has come to die." Voldemort's mouth curled upwards into a cruel smile.

Harry didn't struggle at the Death Eater behind him holding him down. He knew he was going to die. He was ready.

"But... no, I think death is not enough." Voldemort scowled.

Harry's head jerked up at this. A wave of fear washed over him. Was he going to get Crucio-ed for hours? Would Voldemort make everybody watch him scream in pain?

No. It was far, far worse than that.

"I should kill this filthy traitor in front of your eyes."  he says, a vile smirk forming on his pale face.

Voldemort gestures, or sends a signal to one of the Death Eaters and she shoves somebody onto the ground a couple feet away from Harry.

None other than Draco Malfoy.

Harry's heart skipped a couple beats, adrenaline rushing and coursing through his veins. He opened his mouth but no words came out, fear taking over his body.

Draco and Harry locked eyes, and Harry saw dread and terror through those gray eyes. He whispered Draco's name softly, dry lips quivering.

"I shall make you watch as I ever so slowly kill him. This traitor." Voldemort's voice turned into a snarl, filled with anger. "I wonder how long you have been deceiving me, Draco Malfoy." he whispers as he crouches down to Draco's level.

Draco hides his fear, and glares furiously at him, not feeling regret at all.

"You've been betraying me by helping him. Oh, I am truly disappointed in you, Draco. I don't reward traitors with the beautiful thing called living." Voldemort's hoarse, husky voice murmurs into Draco's ear.

Harry ripped his eyes off of Draco's dirt-stained face and saw his parents, trembling. Narcissa was sobbing into her palms very quietly as Lucius forced himself to not do the same.

"Shall we get started then?"

Harry finally started to struggle against the Death Eater who held him down, but unfortunately for him, he was much stronger and larger so he couldn't budge at all.

"No, stop!" Harry's scared voice rung throughout the forest.
"Don't worry, Harry Potter." Voldemort rasps. "Your turn will soon come."

The hideous man pointed his wand at a slightly shaking Draco, who still refused to show his fear.

"Fuck you." Draco says loudly, clenching his jaw.

Voldemort cocks his head, a short flash of amusement and anger in his eyes.

"Crucio." he declares in a clear voice.

He begun to smile as the sounds of Draco's agonized screams traveled to his ears. It was like a beautiful harmony to them.

"No, Draco!" Narcissa whimpered, about to run to her son who was in pain.

Lucius held her back, closing his eyes as if shutting the noises out.

"Stop! Please, kill me! Not him-" Harry yelled through his cries of pain.

Voldemort finally lowers his wand to stare at Harry.

"I will kill you. I believe making you watch me torture your precious boyfriend would be more painful than you going through death a hundred times. I want to make you suffer in your final moments." he laughed heartlessly.

"Stop, I swear I'll do anything. Don't hurt him, please stop. I..." Harry bit his lip as tears threatened to form.
"The sound of your begging... is like music to my ears." Voldemort sighs, obviously very content and satisfied at the moment.
"Please, fucking please..." Harry begged, voice shuddering.

Voldemort turns to his other followers and bellows, "Should I spare this disgusting betrayer, or should I give him the punishment he deserves?"

Harry whips his head around as almost everybody fucking cheers, screaming and agreeing that he shouldn't spare Draco.

"What do traitors deserve to have the joy of living?"
"He's a filthy rat! How dare he betray us?!"
"Kill him, My Lord!"

Draco doesn't cry, but he is scared. His entire body is still shaking from the pain from earlier. He has never felt such pain in his entire fucking life. He shudders, waves of excruciating aching still forcing through his body, leaving him numb. He looks up to stare at Harry.

"Harry..." he whispers, the loudest his voice could go.

The boy couldn't really hear him, but from the shapes of his mouth, he knew that he was calling his name.

Voldemort smirks at their reactions, dragging Draco up by his platinum blonde hair. He forces a pained wince out of the boy but he doesn't struggle.

"Draco Malfoy, are you ready to die?" his raspy voice echos in the Slytherin's ear.

"No, stop it!"

Despite Harry's protesting, Voldemort ignored him. He trailed his wand up to the side of his head, starting from his neck. Draco shivered at the sensation.

Harry could see Draco swallow as tears finally fell from his eyes. It wasn't from the fear of dying. It was from the fear that he wouldn't be there to protect Harry when it was his turn. It was the fear of leaving him. They hadn't gotten married, lived in the house of their dreams, doing what they've always wanted to do together, and raising Teddy. At this thought, Draco finally broke, letting out a pained sob.

Just before Voldemort could cast the curse, Draco blurted out, "Harry Potter, I fucking love you."

Green light blinded Harry as his breath hitched. The light faded away but he saw Draco's eyes become dull as he fell forward, a loud thud ringing through the air as his body made contact with the ground.

"No, my beautiful son..." Narcissa wailed, clutching her husband's arm.

Harry could see Lucius finally sob too, an image he never thought he'd see. But, he just stared and stared at Draco's corpse.

"No..." Harry cried, and then let out a wordless scream of rage, struggling as hard as he could. The Death Eater struggled but still managed to hold him down to the dirty ground.

"Fuck you, fucking fuck you!" he screamed. He screamed more and more, tears falling and hitting the floor underneath him. "I'm going to kill you, you bastard! Fuck you!"

Voldemort smirked, and crouched down in front of the broken Gryffindor. He touched Harry's cheek with his slender fingers as he jerked away, scar prickling.

"I'm going to... I swear I'll..." Harry's voice trailed off, beginning to weep, his tears flooding his vision.
"You'll kill me?" Voldemort laughed in amusement. "I'd love to see you try."
"Once I'm dead, somebody else will kill you anyway." Harry's enraged voice shouts at him. "I hate you so much, Tom Riddle."

Voldemort snarls at the name, standing up and walking a couple steps backwards.

"Hold him up!" Voldemort instructs.

Harry grimaces at the uncomfortable position. He sees Voldemort slowly point his wand in his direction.

I'll be with everybody else now. Finally, after all these sickening years... I'll be with them. I'll apologize to them. But the first thing I'll do is look for Draco.

"Avada Kedavra."

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