It hurts - Angst

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TW: Death, blood

Draco's POV:

Harry and I were having dinner at his two godfathers' house. I was setting the table and Harry was upstairs. I finished and called his name. No answer. I jog up the stairs and I call his name once again. No answer. I look inside the bathroom and I was horrified. Blood dripped from my lover's mouth onto the floor, and blood-drenched tissues were scattered on the floor. His fingernails were scratching against the counter surface as he was crouched on the ground, clutching his stomach.

"HARRY!" I scream desperately.
"It hurts." he cried.
"I'll get you to St. Mungos, just hold on." I say, trying not to panic. I called Sirius and Remus and they turned out to be just as terrified as I was. We brought him to the hospital as fast as we possibly could and Harry's moans of pain rang in my ears as he was carried onto a hospital bed. The healers shooed us out. I waited hours and hours. I didn't sleep nor ate, too worried about my love.

After almost an entire day, a healer came to me and looked sorrowful.

"I apologize, but Mr. Potter is diagnosed with stage 4 stomach cancer."

I let out a gasp of horror.

"How much will the surgery cost? I'll pay it in full, right now! Please don't let him die!" I begged her.
"I'm afraid that surgery may not have an effect on him. But if it's what you wish we will proceed to a surgery."
"I'll take any chance. May I see him? Please!"

She hesitated then soon allowed me to visit Harry.

He lay on the bed, limp, pale, sweating and his face scrunched with pain.

"Harry, My Love." I murmured, crouching next to his bed.
"It-It hurts so much... it hurts!" he wailed.
"I know. They'll do an operation and then you'll be alright." I said, squeezing his hand tight.
"I love you." he said with all the strength he had left. He began to cough violently. The beeps from the monitor were growing more rapid and healers rushed into the room. It took a couple of them to drag me out of the room. And then I waited again.

A healer finally exited the room and her eyes were full of sorrow and heartbreak.

"Well?" I demanded.

She shook her head.

"What? No... no." I muttered. I choked out a sob.
"No! Not My Love!" I cried, furiously.

That's when I swore I'd never fall in love again.

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