Mental hospital - Fluff/Angst

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12 year old Harry and Draco meet in a mental hospital.
Non-magical AU, but Parseltongues exist.

Harry's POV:
How did I end up here?

I sat on the cold, tiled floor silently while other kids in the large room were screaming and running around. Aides were barely paying attention to us as they just gossiped and chatted. This was my fourth day here at the Mental Asylum for Underage Children of Surrey. I curled up in a ball, my back leaning against the soft walls behind me.

I jerked my head up when I heard the egress doors creak open loudly. A caretaker and a boy entered through the entrance. I eyed both of them with interest, trying to get a look at the boy's face, but his face was buried into the caretaker's dress, shoulders shaking. She gently pushed him away from her and shut the double doors on her way out. Then, I could see his face. He seemed to have pretty grey eyes and messy blonde hair. I just looked at him from a distance as he bawled into his palms. I felt pretty bad, so I stood up from my position and walked towards him.

"Hi. Why are you crying?" I asked loudly, over the other kids' screeching.

He looked up from his hands to look at me. I waited patiently for him to answer.

"Um... m-my father sent me here..." he said, hiccuping on sobs.
"Why?" I tilt my head.
"B-Because I did something t-terrible!"
"What did you do?" I questioned, becoming interested.
"I ruined his favorite shoes b-by spilling milk on them."

I looked at him with half confusion and half amusement.

"That's funny. What did you actually do?" I laugh a bit.
"Um, that is what I did."

Now I was 110% confused.

"Why would he send you to this stupid place over that? He's crazy!"
"I shouldn't have been so clumsy." he cried.
"Well, it isn't your fault, so don't feel sad."

I smiled when his crying faded.

"What's your name?" I asked cheerfully."
"Draco... Draco Malfoy."
"What a unique name!" I exclaimed. "My name is Harry Potter. A pretty basic name if you ask me."
"No, it's pretty!"

I blushed, I think.

"Oh, um... thanks."
"If you don't mind me asking, why are you here?"
"It's okay, I don't mind." I grinned. "So apparently, I can talk to snakes! Wild, 'innit? My cousin saw me talking to my snake friend in our garden and he told my uncle and aunt. They both freaked out and immediately sent me here."

Draco's eyes widened.

"Really? You could be a Parseltongue, y'know?" he responded.
"A Parseltongue? What's that?" I asked curiously.
"Well, a Parseltongue is a person who can talk to serpents. It's really rare to be one!" he explained. "You're very lucky."

I was intrigued and shocked upon hearing this information. I suddenly wanted to learn more about Parseltongues, and wondered if my parents were one themselves.

"Well, my aunt and uncle think I'm a freak. Being able to talk to serpents isn't quite normal, is it?" I sighed.
"Well, it doesn't matter. You seem awesome in my eyes, Parseltongue or not."

I blushed again, I think.

"Thanks." I mutter. "Hey, let me show you around a bit! Ignore Sol and Lidia if they try to talk to you. They're seriously weird. If you don't like loud people, I don't recommend being friends with Kyler. He just talks and talks in an unnatural loud voice." I continued to talk to him, and he seemed to listen happily.

I told him everything about my life and this asylum, and we continued to chat for hours until it was time for bed. Luckily, our 'bedrooms' were right next to each other, so we could still talk through the thin walls that separated our rooms. We laughed and giggled the night away. I couldn't get enough of his voice talking to me, and his beautiful eyes as well. I don't care how long I'm forced to stay in this facility, as long as Draco is by my side the entire time.

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