Slytherin - Fluff

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Draco and Harry are best friends, Lily and James are alive, they are in Year 1.
TW: Slytherin! Harry, Slytherin! Hermione, Slytherin! Ron

Third Person POV:

"Aren't you excited, Harry?! We're finally going to Hogwarts!" Draco said cheerfully as they stood in front of the Hogwarts express with their parents behind them, all four teary eyed that their children are now grown up.

"I don't know... I'm nervous." Harry admitted.
"What for? We've been waiting for this our entire lives, haven't we?"
"I know... it's just.. Nevermind."
"Alright then. Let's go! Bye mum, bye dad." he says as he hugs them both.
"My sweet little boy, all grown up. Going to Hogwarts." Narcissa choked out.
"Harry, let's go! The train'll be leaving soon." Draco urged his friend.
"Alright, just one moment." he said as he went up to his parents.
"What is it son?" his father asked him.
"I'm scared. What if I'm put in Slytherin?"
"Harry James Potter. If you're put in Slytherin then they'll have earned a courageous wizard. Your mother and I don't care where you're put in. Don't be nervous. We'll be proud." he says.

Harry smiles and hugs them and runs to join Draco on board the train. They find an empty compartment and they meet two others sitting together named Rob Weasley and Hermione Granger. In a few hours' time, they arrive at the beautiful castle.

-Sorting Ceremony-

"Potter, Harry" Professor McGonagall said clearly.

Harry's hands were sweating. Draco had been put in Slytherin, along with Hermione and Ron.

He sat on the chair and the professor placed the hat on him.

"Difficult... Difficult indeed. You'd work great in Gryffindor. Hmmm, maybe Slytherin? Or Hufflepuff... Very difficult. I should place you... in Slytherin!" it roared.

Harry wasn't sure whether to be relieved, grateful, upset, or disappointed. A big smile stretched on his face as he happily joined his friends. Draco looked the happiest as he applauded the loudest. He hugged the raven haired boy as the cheers from the Slytherin table roared.

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