The Yule Ball pt. 2 - Fluff, very slight angst

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Fourth year, continuation of previous part!
TW: Homophobia

Harry's POV:
I stared at myself in the full length mirror. Mrs. Weasley had made me an outfit for the Yule Ball. I appreciate her kindness, but the bow where a tie should be wasn't... necessary. It made me look even more feminine than I do now, which I despised. I yanked off the white bow and replaced it with a sleek, black tie. I looked at my reflection once more and smiled.

When Ron trudged out of the dormitories, I couldn't help but let out a choke of laughter. He looked miserable. I laughed, harder and harder each second. I tried catching my breath but whenever I glanced at him, I couldn't. When I finally calmed down he was glaring at me with fierceness.

"Funny, is it, Harry?" he snapped angrily.
"Sorry, sorry." I chuckled. "Where's Hermione?" I questioned.

Ron looked at the floor, looking a bit shameful and guilty.

"Er, we got in a fight." he confessed.
"A fight?"
"Yeah. Let's just go mate."

I was confused, and eager to know what the fight was about. However, I had to give Ron his space and privacy so I asked no questions.

Once we arrived at the ball, I was struck with awe from the beauty of the theme of it. A giant clear crystal chandelier hung from the middle of the ceiling. It shone brightly, almost blinding me. Giant glass pieces that resembled icicles were attached to the roof and snowflakes fluttered and floated about. Everything was ice and blue, though I felt warm. Every girl and bloke happened to be dressed overly fancy and elegant. It felt as if I were attending those masquerades rich gentlemen would host on special occasions.

I noticed Cho and Cedric laughing and talking to each other in a friendly manner. My eyes dodged around the room and they abruptly stopped on a certain girl I'm sure I've never seen before. She wore a glamorous pink dress and her wavy golden brown locks were neatly put in a unique yet beautiful hair style.

Ron also had his eyes glued on the girl. He seemed to already know who she was. I then realized it was Hermione. Her features were recognizable, and her brown skin gleamed as if she were a goddess.

She didn't seem to see us, or she pretended not to. She showed off her dimples as she grinned when she interacted with somebody, whom I'm assuming to be her date. He was bulky, tall, and had handsome features. I squinted my eyes through my round framed glasses and came to a realization that it was Viktor Krum, the other champion who was participating in the Tri-wizard Tournament on behalf of Durmstrang.

I looked at Ron, and he looked fuming. I told him gently that I was going to look around. I exhaled, ruffling my hair as I walked, looking for a certain somebody.

And then I saw the most prettiest bloke I had ever seen. He stood out among the others and caught my eye. My heart melted when he came up to me. His platinum blonde hair was gelled back, and he wore a simple black suit that looked absolutely divine on him, as if it was made for him to wear.

"Hi." he said breathlessly.

"Hi." I echoed.

I felt that I looked stupid. He looked alluring while I probably looked like a train wreck.

"You good at dancing?" he asked me.

I shook my head, embarrassed. He laughed a bit.

"The boy who lived doesn't know how to dance? Alright, just follow my lead."

"What if I mess up?" I mumble after a pause.

"You won't. I dance exceptionally, if I do say so myself. There's no doubt that you'll do fine with me leading." he said proudly.

I smiled at his confidence. But, I still felt uneasy. I had to dance with my enemy in front of everybody. There'll be rumours by tomorrow morning, and that wretched Skeeter woman would have my face and Malfoy's in the Daily Prophet as soon as she can, because she's a terrible person.

Professor McGonagall's voice could be heard across the entire room.

"Champions, please make your way to the main dance platform with your dance partners. The Yule Ball will commence shortly."

Sweat gathered on my body as I breathed uncomfortably. Malfoy unexpectedly put his arm between mine and locked forearms. I looked at him with warmness. 8 people including me and Malfoy stood in two lines. Champions stood on the right as their dance partners stood on their left.

The giant doors ahead of us creaked open automatically and I clenched my jaw with nervousness. Everybody started clapping, but a lot of them stopped when they saw me and Malfoy. They looked stunned. I looked at the ground as we all walked straight forward. I could feel that Malfoy was strutting head high with pride, not giving a damn. Merlin, are all Slytherins so unshameful and proud?

Although I was staring at the ground, I knew everybody's gazes were on us, and us only.

All 8 of us were on the dance platform and then Malfoy suddenly put one hand in my waist and one hand on my shoulder. I flinched a bit at the touch. I hesitantly placed one hand and my other on his waist and shoulder as well.

Out of nowhere, music started. Slow, classical music. We begun to move. I didn't even intentionally move my feet but they slid across the floor smoothly. I looked up and the first thing I saw was his milky eyes directly staring into my face, as if he were about to scorch my face with his gaze.

I think I blushed. And I think he saw me. I realized I didn't even notice people looking and whispering to their friends while side-eyeing me and Malfoy. I didn't care. My life is fucked up right now so it doesn't matter if it becomes even more fucked.

He led me throughout the entire duration of the dance, my body synced to his movements and my feet glided along the floor gracefully. I felt safe. I didn't care what people thought, I didn't care at all. It was as if there were a protective bubble around us.

When the dance ended, my happiness faded away soon enough. Many individuals looked disgusted by us. I immediately felt insecure and unsafe again. More music started to play that seemed to grasp their attention and that was when I slipped out of the room.

What have I done? Why did I suddenly feel happy around a person I loathe? Falling in love with the same gender isn't normal. Why am I like this? Why did I allow him to be my dance partner? It could've been any girl that asked me and nobody would've cared. What's wrong with me?


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