And I meant it - Angst

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Fourth year - War concluded

Third Person POV:
"I'll do anything for you."
"Anything?" Harry giggled.
"Anything, My Love."

Draco Lucius Malfoy passed away on May 2nd, 1998. He took a killing curse to save his lover.

Draco wasn't the only one who passed away that night.

The words And I meant it were carved into Draco's tombstone. Harry smiled weakly as tears rolled down his face.

I think I'll be in denial for a bit longer. But I'll never stop missing you. Harry thought. His eyes lingered over the hundreds of white lilies in front of his dead boyfriend's grave.

He looked up at the sky and he stayed like that for a while. He grinned at the thought of Draco looking down at him.

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