The Boy Who Lived - Angst??

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TW: Bullying

Draco's POV:

"Hey Potter!" I yell at the raven haired boy who was with that mud blood and Weasel. He pretended to not hear me and dragged his friends away from me but I catch up to them with Pansy and Blaise following me.
"Potter, did you not hear me? What, are you deaf now?" I laugh.
"Leave us alone." he scowled at me.
"Fiesty, Mr. Chosen one." I smirk.
"Don't call me that!" he hissed, bristling with fury. I'm not gonna lie, I kind of flinched there. I've never seen Potter look so angry.
"Why not? Must like the attention, don't you? Must be nice being the boy who lived. Being on the front page of the daily prophet every day, girls drooling over you."
"That's right I'm the boy who lived, nothing more! You don't understand what it's like!" he screamed then he stormed off, forcefully pushing past me.
"Touched a nerve there, Draco." Blaise smirked.

Granger scoffed as she ran to chase after Potter. Weasel glared at me with disgust and hatred as he also ran after the two.

I couldn't help but feel guilty. He's right, I wouldn't understand. Maybe I could fix things.

I could hear small sobs coming from an empty classroom. I cautiously opened the door and there he was. Beautiful as always, even when he was crying. I walked over to him carefully, hoping he wouldn't spit harsh insults at me.

"Hey." I say awkwardly, siting down next to him on the floor. He looks away and continues to cry.
"Sorry, 'bout earlier. You're right. I don't understand what you're going through."
"Yeah." he muttered after what seemed like decades.

I touched the back of his hand and then held it gently. He stiffened slightly then he blushed.

"Do you like me?"

He sat upright out of shock and looked at me.

"What kind of an outrageous question is that? I- of course I- d-don't! Why would I?! That's a stupid question, Malfoy!" he stammered, his face crimson red.
"Mhm.." I murmur, smirking at him. We stared at each other and I never realized how beautiful his eyes were. Then my lips met his. Our tongues moved in sync, twirling around as he moaned slightly. We finally broke apart for breath.

"I love you. I loved you since third year." he gasped.
"I had a crush on you ever since I met you. Then my love for you grew every year." I murmur, touching our foreheads and noses together.

Third Person POV:

"Told you!" Pansy shrieked as the four watched through the gaps of the door from outside the classroom. Ron sighed in defeat.

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