Why? - Angstish

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Draco's POV:

"Itty witty baby Potter isn't so tough now!" My aunt cackled. Granger was being held by my mother who had a knife at her neck. The word 'mudblood' was carved on her arm. Weasley had a cloth in his mouth, his hands tied to his back, kneeling on the floor with blood trickling down the side of his head. Potter was lied against a wall, beaten. Blood gushed out of every scar on his face. His glasses were thrown on the floor and his hair messier than ever. His face was screwed up in pain but made no sounds except winces whenever my father hit him with his cane.

"The dark lord would approve of this." he mutters, sneering. Potter's breathing was shallow, on the brink of unconsciousness. Weasley's muffled screams and Granger's pleading filled my brain. He looked... so weak and vulnerable it ached me.

"Now I shall call the dark lord!" Aunt Bella squealed.
"Now, now Bella. He's in MY manor. I shall call him." father said coldly.
"Unfair, unfair I say, Lucius!" she hissed.
"While we settle who calls the dark lord, bring those three filthy peasants to the cellar." father demands me.

"N-No, I shall do it." my mother says.
"Whatever, just bring them to the cellar."

She obeys and one by one shoves them into the cellar. While the adults argued I tip toed down to the cellar and looked through the metal bars. Granger untied Weasley and threw the cloth away. He coughed and panted for air. They both hurried to Potter's side, trying to tend to his many injuries. I notice Lovegood and Mr. Ollivander were also in the Cellar with them, and a goblin. So is Thomas.

"Alohomora" I whisper, pointing at the cellar door. And soon enough, the door opened and all eyes were on me. Hermione blocked me so I couldn't see Weasley and Potter, her eyes flashing with danger and panic. I put my hands up in surrender.

"Wait!" I hiss. Granger still trembled slightly from fear, considering the fact none of them had wands except me.
"Leave this place, right now. While they're still busy." I say.
Granger flinches, face plastered with shock.
"W-What?" she stammers.
"I said leave! Quick! All of you will die if you don't leave soon." I say desperately, trying to look at Potter but she kept blocking my view.
"What are you playing at?" she shakes her head.
"Nothing! Please leave the manor and don't look back! GO!" I hiss.
"B-But Harry's too hurt to travel anymore." Weasley's voice said behind her. She moves to the side so now the two were visible. Harry was propped against the corner, whose eyes were closed, breathing shallow and almost silent. Weasley tried to stop the blood by pressing both hands against the biggest wound on his body. I swiftly move towards them and I crouch down next to him, examining all scars and bruises.

"Moves your hands before he loses more blood." I command. He hesitantly obeys me.

I mutter a few healing spells whilst pointing my wand against his biggest injuries. I don't tend to the smaller ones due to the time limit we're on here.

"That should do it." I say.
"How do you know healing spells?" Granger asks me with disbelief.
"I'm not as useless as I look." I grin.

Soon Potter begins to stir and open his eyes. His piercing green eyes meeting mine immediately. His eye widens but doesn't make an effort to move away.

He touches his stomach but seemed to find no pain.

"Shh! All of you, leave right now." I say through gritted teeth. He staggered up with his friend to support him.
"Leave through the back door, and DONT make a sound." I say. "and take these." handing them their wands. Only Potter doesn't have one. I hesitantly hand him my own. He looks at me confused.
"Take it. Your wand is nowhere to be found."
Potter nods at me gratefully with a tint of.. blush? I never noticed how beautiful he looked. Oh shit why did I say that. He looks at me longingly, as if afraid to separate from me. His friends hurry him up the stairs.

They quietly go up the stairs and once they're safely out the manor, I go back to the room and the adults are still arguing. They haven't noticed my presence was gone.

"Draco, bring Potter!" father commands me. I nod politely and pretend to walk to the empty cellar and wait a moment before running back up, panicking.

"WHAT?" he bellows furiously.
"They've disappeared!"
"Impossible! You can't apparate into this manor except an elf-"
"Do you think... Dobby took them?" I approach.
"IT WOULD BE IMPOSSIBLE! How on earth did that little monkey know?!" Aunt Bella screeches.

Harry's POV:

Why did he do it? Save us? He risked his life, basically. He helped us escape. Why? I blush at the thought of Dr- Malfoy. His handsome face and beautiful cloudy eyes. His neatly gelled hair and tall figure. I admit, I had a crush on him for years, starting from third year. When our eyes met earlier, my heart jumped to my throat. I wish that moment had stopped in time. Wait what am I thinking- I need to save the world!

"Why did he do it?" Ron mumbled.
"I'm not entirely sure. Maybe he wanted us to defeat the dark lord. He feared him as much as we fear Voldemort."

Ron winces at the name but stays quiet.

"Well, what now?" Ron says.
"We save the Wizarding world." I say. The thought of Draco clouded my mind and I couldn't get his flawless face out. When would we meet again?

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