Like mother - Angst

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Third Person POV:

"They're just jealous that YOU'RE special and they are just ordinary." 10-year-old Draco reassured Harry. Their fingers intertwined and Harry looked up from the grass.
"That's mean, Draco." Harry giggled.
"It's the truth, isn't it?" Draco smiled.

"Ugly Harry and his ugly little boyfriend!" Dudley howled with laughter, strutting up to the two boys.

Draco got up in their defense, but Harry pulled him back down onto the ground.

"You're just freaks! Ugly, inhumane freaks!" Dudley scowled. "Don't know why mum and dad haven't kicked you out yet. I'm pretty sure your parents would've since they had a mistake like you for a son. If they were alive."

Draco glared at him and a large branch of a tree above him snapped and landed on his shoulder. He stumbled backward and let out a cry of pain. He sat on the grass, wailing.

Harry immediately stood up and looked at Draco and then back at Dudley with horror. He backed away from the blonde.

"Did you make that happen?"

However, Draco's lie did not convince the boy.

Harry shook his head with disappointment as he headed home with his cousin, supporting him as tears leaked down Dudley's chubby face.

Draco looked after them longingly, wishing he hadn't done that.


"I'm sorry what I did to your cousin."
"It's okay." Harry smiled at his apology.

They both lay on the grass as a cool breeze refreshed their hot faces.

"We're going to get a letter to Hogwarts next year. I wish you would get into Slytherin."
"Slytherin?" Harry asked with a raised eyebrow.
"A house in Hogwarts. There are four of them: Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff, and Ravenclaw. In my opinion, Slytherin is the best house." Draco huffed confidentially.
"Maybe we'll both get Slytherin!" Harry giggled.


"Malfoy, Draco."

Draco sat on the chair as he sweated nervously. He breathed in and out as Professor McGonagall placed the hat on him. The hat stayed silent for a second or two before bellowing 'Slytherin!'.
He joined his assigned table as the rest of his fellow housemates all burst into applause.

After a few other kids, it was soon Harry's turn. Draco clenched his fists tightly under the table.


Draco's heart shattered. He swallowed the lump in his throat and didn't have the strength to clap as the other students did. Harry shook hands with a redhead boy before catching Draco's eye. They started into each other as Harry gave him a weak smile, though full of disappointment and sadness.


"I thought we were supposed to be best friends." Draco frowned.
"We are! But, you keep hanging out with... bad people. People that do bad things, cruel things to other students. How can you find that amusing?" Harry retorts.
"But YOU'RE hanging out with Weasley! And Granger!" Draco hissed, ignoring Harry's comment.
"She's a... Mudblood! And he's a poor blood traitor!" the words just slipped out of his mouth.

Harry furrowed his brows, unsure if he heard him right.

"How could you say that!"
"I didn't mean to- it just-"
"Slipped out?" Harry sneered.

Draco immediately felt awful.


"I'm sorry."
"Save your breath."
"I'm sorry!"

His apologies did not phase Harry at all. They soon drifted apart from each other. So far apart that they became enemies, forgetting that they were ever friends.

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