When they met - Fluff

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First year, Marauders raising Harry, incredibly slight Jegulus 🤯🤯🤯

Person POV:
Draco grunted as he shoved his trunk on the overhead bin and then sat down on the cushioned couch. He sighed and looked out the window, watching parents cry and kiss their children goodbye and wave at them with a smile. Envy washed over him like a wave as he blocked the sight from his view by drawing the curtains.

He flinched when the compartment door opened, to reveal a short, black haired boy who seemed like his age.

"Hi, uh, mind if I sit here?" he asked, panting.

Draco shook his head and he watched the boy struggled to push his trunk onto the overhead compartment area. Once he managed to do so, he slumped on the opposite couch of where Draco sat.

"What's your name?"

Draco was taken aback from the question but he answered.

"D-Draco. I'm Draco Malfoy."
"Woah, I've heard about the Malfoys before. Dad talks about somebody named Lucius Malfoy. Is he your family member by any chance?"
"He's my father." Draco swallowed.
"Oh, my dad doesn't seem to like him very much. My name's Harry Potter by the way."
"Oh, you're a Potter?" Draco said stunned.

Harry smiled and nodded. Draco's stomach slightly clenched. The Malfoys and Potters had rivalry for over a century. Draco's father also spoke poorly of the Potters as well, but Draco didn't add that.

"Er, what house do you wish to be in?" Draco asked the green eyed boy.
"Definitely Gryffindor!" Harry beamed. He hoisted himself up from his seat and pretending to draw an imaginary sword from his side in point it into the air.
"Where dwell the brave at heart!" Harry confidentially and loudly said. Draco laughed at that.

Harry began to laugh too.

"It's what my dad says to me. But my parents said they'd be proud no matter what house I'd end up in." he grinned.

Draco's jealousy returned. He wished to have parents who were proud of him and truly cared for him. All they ever cared about was reputation and money.

"What about you?"
"Uh... probably Slytherin like the rest of my family." Draco hummed.
"Dad said the Slytherin house is full of bad and evil people." Harry grimaced.

Draco frowned.

"But I think all houses are cool and unique! I wouldn't mind being in Slytherin." Harry added to Draco's relief and delight. But, Gryffindor or Slytherin, I'd want to be in the same house as you." the ravenette said shyly.

A small tint of pink made its way to Draco's face. The awkward moment was interrupted by somebody sliding open the compartment door yet again. It was a pretty bushy haired girl and a ginger haired boy.

"Mind if we join you?" the girl asked.

Harry and Draco both shook their heads and allowed them to sit with them.

Once the two settled in, the girl spoke.

"I'm Hermione Granger."
"Ron Weasley." the other said.
"I'm Harry Potter!"
"Draco Malfoy." Draco stammered slightly and cursed at himself in his head. "Uh, are you guys a muggle born by any chance?"
"Well, I am.... have a problem with that?" Hermione asked, getting defensive.
Lucius had told Draco to never befriend a muggle born because their blood is filthy and aren't as respected in the wizarding world.

After a bit, Draco responded.

"No... No, not at all."

Hermione's face relaxed.


The four arrived at Hogwarts, awestruck at the giant castle that was beautifully decorated in the inside. The interior was elegant and transparent figures seemed to be flying and hovering over the four long tables, each table representing each house. Hagrid led the first years to the front of what seemed like a stage, where all the professors had their own separate table to feast. Between the teachers and kids, there was a chair. An ordinary wooden chair.

An elderly woman stood behind the chair, who was holding a large, dirty, black hat. She wore a glistening green robe and had narrowed eyes, as if she were judging all the first years.

"Welcome, first years, wizards and witches." she said in a shaky voice.

Ron and Hermione were sorted into Gryffindor and they were pleased with themselves. They were disappointed that their new friends were sorted into Slytherin because they were in opposite houses. Harry was stunned when he was put in Slytherin. He thought it was a mistake made by the hat, but he soon brushed it off.

"Draco! We're both in Slytherin." Harry smiled.
"Yeah, I'm glad we're in the same house." Draco said genuinely.
"Slytherin would have been my second choice! I like snakes. I talked to a snake once at the zoo."
"You can talk to snakes?" Draco gasped.
"Yes, my family was proud of me. But I don't think it's a big deal. Snakes don't have much to say."
"You're a Parseltongue! A person who has the abilities to talk to snakes. It's really, really rare to be one." Draco informed him.
"That's cool! Are YOU a Parseltongue?"

Draco shook his head.

"That's okay. It's a bit of a boring superpower anyway."

The blonde laughed a bit. Harry then looked towards the large stage where all the professors were at. He noticed a strange man that was staring at him. Harry felt uneasy and uncomfortable under his glare.

He turned back to his friend, "Who's that?" trying not to make it obvious they were talking about that man.
"Oh... that's professor Snape. He's a good friend of my Dad's. A bit scary though." Draco said, chewing on a small bite of his food.
"Why's he staring at me?"
"I don't know. He's weird, just ignore him."

But Harry couldn't ignore him. Why was Snape staring at him? Why wouldn't he stop? So, Harry thought of something. He stared back at Snape. They had an eye battle, telling each other to back down with their glares. Snape soon stopped and drunk out of his goblet as if nothing had happened.

Harry rolled his eyes and stopped himself from sticking out his tongue at the man.

After the feast, Harry, Draco, and the other Slytherin first years were led to their dormitories by Snape. He happened to be The Head of Slytherin to Harry's complete dismay. He had heard his dad curse and groan about Snape a couple times. He almost didn't send Harry to Hogwarts because of him. However, Harry couldn't care less about some greasy-haired professor that tried to make him feel threatened.

He hastily got ready for bed, eager to officially start his second day of school. Every other bloke had fallen asleep, snoring loudly. He looked over to Draco who was peacefully sleeping.

'He looks.... cute.' Harry thought, blushing a bit. He looks away, realizing that he probably seems like a creep for staring at somebody sleep.

He closed his eyes as he thought about his family. His parents, aunts, and uncles. He missed playing pranks on uncle Moony, his mum, and his aunts with his dad and Sirius. Aunt Marlene always had the best reactions to his cheeky pranks, never failing to make Harry laugh. And aunt Mary would pinch both of his cheeks whenever she saw him, rambling about how adorable he was at the same time. As for Regulus... he was a bit scary but he did care for Harry. He was very strict and cold, but softened up when he was around his friends and Harry. Because the young Slytherin resembled James so much, Regulus tried to distance himself from him... due to what happened in the past.

His dad would spoil him absolutely rotten, buying him whatever he looked at. His mum would always try to stop him, afraid her son would become a spoiled brat. But, Harry was always grateful for what he received which is why he was adored by many.

He missed his dad the most. James would sing to him every night in the softest voice, making Harry fall asleep in under a minute. His mum would tell him stories about when the adults were all teenagers instead of bedtime stories. Sirius would transform into his dog form and cuddle with Harry as he slept. Uncle Moony would give him tons of chocolate everyday so "dementors wouldn't bite him" when he slept.

His mind was filled with his family member's faces before he drifted off to sleep.

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