Chapter 33: Leaving the Forest of Death

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Kaito woke up with a gasp as he felt something cold touching his face, and he breathed relief, seeing that it was just Masaru.

"Hm?" He questioned as he looked around, seeing that the Leaf shinboi who attacked him were gone.

"You're finally awake, shark boy," Masaru commented, looking at Kaito.

Kaito rolled his eyes until he suddenly spotted Akira sitting next to Kei. He narrowed his eyes as he noted that Akira's clothes were ripped and had familiar stains.

"Ah! Akira!" Kaito yelled.

Kei and Akira quickly turned around.

"What?" Akira asked as Kaito started running towards her and Kei.

"Akira? What happened to your clothes? He screamed, rushing towards her."I mean, seriously, why are they ripped and have blood stains!" He continued as he slid to a stop next to her on the ground.

"Oh, that's why you're freaking out," Akira said softly, looking at her shirt."Don't worry, I'm fine; I just ripped it on a branch beside the good was just from getting scraped by the branch. So don't worry."

Kei looked at Kaito, deep in thought, wondering how he would respond to Akira's obvious lie.

Kaito hummed in thought."If you say so, Akira, but what happened to those three Leaf ninjas?" He asked, looking around again for them.

Kei just continued to sit in silence.

"They're gone, shark boy. The snake girl took care of them," Masaru replied."Uzumaki, I'll take my leave if you're good."

"Yeah, go ahead. We should bet going as well," Akira said, letting Masaru know he was good to go.

"See you and be careful, Uzumaki," Masaru said before disappearing into a cloud of smoke.

"Enough time wasted. We don't have much, a lot of time left, and we still need are scroll," Kei said, getting up.

"No, we don't," Kaito replied, holding up Heaven and an Earth Scroll.

"Wow, I missed a lot since I passed out, but what happened to my sword?" She questioned, realizing she didn't have her sword in her hand anymore.

"Don't worry; it's right here," Akira said, grabbing a sheath with a sword in it from under the resting place they had been using when Kei was passed out.

"Oh, thanks. Let me seal it away since I do think I need it anymore," She said, pulling out a scroll and started making hand signs, and opening the scroll.

Kei held back a winced as she felt a burning, sharp pain in her neck where she was bitten.

'This mark. What did he do to me, and could he really be my father to do this to me.' She thought while sealing the sword away before putting the scroll in her pouch.

"Kei, you alright?" Kaito asked.

"Yeah, come on, we better get to the tower before we get attacked again," Kei replied, but you could tell she wasn't entirely there.

Kaito looked at Akira with confusion, wondering if something had happened while he was unconscious.

"Don't worry; I'm sure she be fine," Akira whispered into Kaito's ear.

"Come on!"

"Coming!" Kaito and Akira both said, following after Kei before they got left behind.


Kei's P.O.V

I was jumping from tree to tree with Kaito and Akira following me. However, my mind was currently somewhere else.

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