Kei is the daughter of Orochimaru yet she doesn't know who her father is and he doesn't know about her. She was the result of a one night stand with a female shinobi from the Hidden Sand Village. But what happens when she is found by the gate of...
"That Naruto," Kei muttered in annoyance as she walked through the town"He was one of my first friends and now he decides to betray me by calling me an traitor," She groaned clenched her fist entering an clearing.
Kei then made a hand sign and created a snake clone.
"I thought he was startto like me after how been talking less about Sakura," She growled, swinging a sword at her who used her snakes to deflect the sword with their mouth.
"Someone seems upset with their crush," the clone said, laughing
"Shut it yourself, don't make jokes like that," Kei sated, freeing her sword from the snakes.
"That's true, but I'm clone that has more of your hidden mocking side," the clone replied.
"That the annoying part of clones each one takes after the other parts of your personality,"Kei said, charging forward at rushing speed.
"I wouldn't say that," the clone said, making hand signs and releasing a powerblast of wind and sending the original Kei flying back.
'Why am I talking with myself like this with a clone?' Kei thought to herself as she flipped over and landed successfully on her feet.
"Wouldn't you say this match bit much with a clone?" A voice asked.
Kei paused in her match with her clone to see Jairya walking towards her.
"I guess but can't blame me. There are a lot of things on my mind," Kei replied, releasing the clone.
"Is this because of Naruto?" Jairiya asked.
"As if I care anything about what that knucklehead thinks," Kei muttered, went a glare on her face before glancing at her necklace."I need something to eat so excuse for ending this conversation," Kei said, sinking into the ground and out of sight.
'That girl so much like Orochimaru when annoyed. Naruto better find a way to fix this if he ever wants a chance of getting her to date him. It is clear as day he frustration that his crush is stronger then him.' Jairya thought staring at the spot Kei was training before taking off to avoid the conversation.
Kei arrived at a rice shop and decided to get herself some lunch from here. She walked in and took a seat at the counter.
"I take a large bowl of Kaisendon," She said to the lady with brown hair tied back in a ponytail.
"One large bowl of Kaisendon coming on up," the lady said.
A few minutes later, a bowl was placed down in front of Kei."There you go, one large bowl of Kaisendon."
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