Mega Mission

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As Troy slept on the bus, he thought he saw something. Hundreds of people dressed in bright colors, helmets of different varieties that covered their whole faces all charging into battle. A robot appeared to be made of titanium charging with a group of six teammates, all wearing matching uniforms.

"Hey new kid," a voice said. "Wake up." Troy then opened his eyes and found himself on the bus. He looked up at the bus driver as the man continued. "Are you getting off the bus or what?"

"Weird dream," Troy said to himself as he grabbed his bag and started getting off.

"You're gonna be late on the first day of school," the driver said.

"Don't want that." Before getting off, he thanked the driver and continued to his new school. As he was walking in, Mr. Burley, his science teacher, set his briefcase down on his desk.

"Okay, class," the mustached man said. "Let's start the year with a science brain teaser." Emma, who sat next to Gia, watched intently. "What species will outlast all others on Earth?" Immediately, Emma raised her hand. "Emma?"

"Insects," the student answered. Noah, his glasses resting on his nose, looked at his partner Aaron, his blonde hair untidy as ever, seeing him look at Emma with his chin resting in his hand.

"They'll survive all the bad stuff we're doing to the environment," Emma continued. "Some of them have lots of legs." Noah raised his hand as Emma continued. "They'll be the last ones standing."

"She's got a point," Aaron whispered to Jake, the athletic kid who had been his and Noah's friend for years.

"Dude," Jake said to Noah, "calm down. You're gonna hurt yourself."

"She's wrong," Noah said to his friends. "Wrong, wrong, wrong." Mr. Burley then looked at the science whizz with raised eyebrows.

"Yes, Noah. You have a different answer?" he asked. Noah then put his hand down and gave his answer.

"Robots. Robots powered by perpetual motion engines." Aaron rolled his eyes as Gia spoke up.

"Robots are machines," the blond girl said. "So, technically, they're not a species." Noah snickered as Jake swooned over his crush.

"Beautiful and smart," he said.

"Like Emma," Aaron added. Just then, the door opened and Troy walked in.

"And wrong," Noah added as Troy closed the door.

"Ah," Burley said as Troy walked to his seat. "You must be Troy. Nice of you to join us. Maybe you can answer our brain teaser. What species will survive all others?" Troy set his backpack down and looked at the teacher before giving his answer.

"Us," he said. "Humans."

"How's that, Troy?"

"If humans work together, we can overcome anything." Aaron nodded in agreement as Troy sat down next to him.

"I like the way this kid thinks," he said to himself.

"Okay," Mr. Burley said. "Interesting. I-I certainly hope Troy's right." Meanwhile, a large ship came into Earth's orbit. Standing at the helm was an ugly looking thing.

"Creepox," he said. On earth, a large cockroach-like creature with blades for hands answered the call.

"Yes, Admiral Malcor?" Creepox asked.

"What do you make of this planet Earth?" Malcor asked.

"Humans can't match our strength," Creepox answered. "We'll swarm this planet and destroy them all!"

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