Legendary Battle

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An alien Armada has arrived and invaded our planet. Wave after wave have attacked us with a ferocity never seen before. To battle this new threat, the Power Rangers must master the abilities of the Legendary Rangers to become Super Megaforce!

Over at Ernie's one day, Orion was just getting ready to finish up his last shift.

"So this is it, huh?" the ice cream man asked as Orion untied the apron around his waist.

"Yeah," the Silver Ranger agreed, folding his apron up. "You know, I really enjoyed working here. But it's time for me to move on." He then handed Ernie the apron, who accepted it as he tried not to cry.

"Well, whatever it is you're off to do next, good luck. You know, I'm going to hang this up on the wall. Like, when sports teams retire a player's jersey." Orion lightly laughed as Ernie began to choke up. "I'm going to miss you, Orion." Orion then removed the hat on his head as Ernie began to sob, using the Silver Ranger's old apron to blow his nose. Orion looked at his old boss in disgust.

"Uh-oh," the ice cream man said. "I better go put this in the laundry." As Ernie walked away crying, Orion set his hat on the counter and picked up his jacket.

"Hey," Emma greeted as she and Aaron saw Orion getting ready to leave.

"Hey, guys," Orion said as he shouldered his jacket on.

"Come on, dude," Aaron said. "Everyone's waiting at your ship to say goodbye." Smiling, Orion shouldered his satchel and walked out of Ernie's Brain Freeze one last time with his two friends. He really was going to miss it. But it was time he returned home.

"This planet is such a happy place," Orion said as the three Rangers walked past a park, where kids were playing. "One day, I hope mine'll be like that again. You know, when I first came here, my home was gone, all I could think about was revenge. But then I met you guys. I learned so much." Emma looked up at him with sadness. "Emma, are you okay?"

"I'm just really gonna miss you, Orion," Emma answered.

"We all are," Aaron added.

"Don't be sad because we have to say goodbye," the Silver Ranger said to the Black and Pink. "Be glad we got to meet in the first place."

"Okay," Aaron laughed. "We'll be glad we got to meet you in the first place."

"Can we just be sad for a little bit longer?" Emma asked as she embraced Orion, who kissed her head as a way of saying goodbye. She then let go as Aaron and Orion also embraced each other, but this one more manly.

"Gonna miss you, man," Aaron said.

"I'll miss you as well," Orion said. The three then continued to walk toward the ship, where the others were waiting.

(I still have no idea for Aaron's actor, but he shows up between Troy and Gia, posing in a martial arts stance with one open hand out in front of him and the other raised above his head like a dorsal fin. At the end, when all the various Ranger helmets flash before stopping on Super Megaforce, Aaron's helmets go as follows; Mighty Morphin Gold, Alien Green, Zeo Gold, Turbo Black, Space Green, Lost Galaxy Black, Time Force Silver, Lightspeed Black, Dino Thunder Green, Mystic Force Black, Ninja Storm Black, SPD Black, and Jungle Fury Gold before settling on his Super Megaforce helmet. Another thing, I apologize. I know this isn't the right intro, but I couldn't find the one that went to these last few chapters, so this one will have to do.)

Over at Orion's ship, Noah had just finished making some repairs as he looked up from his work.

"Whoa," the Blue Ranger laughed at the sight of the ship he stood on. "Man, these Armada ships are really amazing. I mean, when they're not trying to destroy us."

Power Rangers Megaforce and Super Megaforce (Emma x Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now