The Human Condition

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Our world was once a safe and happy place, until evil aliens arrived with one plan; to destroy Earth. Gosei, Earth's ancient guardian, awoke and called on a new team of teenagers to fight off this new threat. They are the Power Rangers Megaforce.

Aboard the Warstar ship, Admiral Malcor finally emerged from his cocoon.

"I feel it," the admiral said as power continued to zap from his body. "Such power. I am reborn!" At that moment, Vrak returned.

"You've emerged from the cocoon," the prince said to the admiral, who looked at the pitiful planet before him. "Was your metamorphosis successful?"

"Yes," Malcor answered. "My power has been increased. But while I succeeded, I see you have failed to eliminate the Power Rangers." Malcor then clenched his fist as his anger caused his body to glow. "I guess if I want a job done right, I must do it myself. Every one of your attempts has failed, but now with my new invincible powers, I shall go to Earth and finish them."

(I have no idea of an actor for Aaron, but he says his name with his helmet between Noah and Emma, then it shows him riding his skateboard while punching Loogies. Whatever actor you can think of that matches Aaron's description, that's who plays him to you.)

As he walked through the woods, doing his daily patrol, Robo Knight saw something that piqued his curiosity. A mother walking her daughter to a park for a day of playing. As the little girl ran, she tripped, causing Robo Knight to step forward, but he didn't take any more steps, as the child's mother picked her crying child up, reassuring the girl.

"Hmm," Robo Knight hummed. To get answers to his questions, the robot went to the only humans who could see him, the Power Rangers. Wearing his karate gi, Troy began practicing.

"Hi," the Red Ranger greeted as Robo Knight walked up to him.

"What are tears?" the Robotic Ranger asked.

"What?" Troy asked as he continued to punch and kick invisible enemies.

"I want to know why humans cry."

"Because we do."

"But why?"

"You should ask Emma. She knows more about tears than me."

"Right," Robo Knight said, turning around to find his pink ally, leaving Troy to his practice. Robo Knight found Emma taking pictures of flowers.

"Pink Ranger."

"What?" Emma asked, turning to see her visitor. "Robo Knight?"

"A human child falls and cries out," Robo Knight explained. "The mother hugs the child. Why?"

"Uh, wait, what?"

"Why does a mother hug her child?"

"Because she loves him."


"She wants her child to know how much she cares about him. Maybe you should ask Aaron about it." Emma then turned to Robo Knight, only to find the robot walking away. Robo Knight then found the Green Ranger alone inside a warehouse, skateboarding over obstacles.

"Green Ranger," Robo Knight said.

"Yeah?" Aaron asked as he kicked the board up into his hand and taking a drink from a water bottle nearby.

Power Rangers Megaforce and Super Megaforce (Emma x Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now